Bryce Hall Imagine

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before you read this I would like to thank you for 11k! (: y'all are honestly amazing ilysfm 💗

here we go an imagine for daddy Bryce (lmao)


you were sitting in your room until your brother Daniel (Skye) walked in

"Hey Y/N" he said and sat beside you

"hey Danny" you replied still looking at your phone

"so I was wondering if you maybe want to go Jump Zone with me and the boys?" he started playing with his hand

"um since when do you want to take me anywhere?" you finally looked at him

he didn't answer

"mom told you to take me didn't she?" you gasped

"yeah, kinda" he looked down

you and Daniel are twins. since he became really famous he doesn't have any time for you. you and him used to be best friends. you couldn't live a minute without each other and now you're basically strangers. it's sad but you got used to it...

"I knew it" you said

"listen Y/N I'm so sorry for not spending much time with you now. you seem kinda depressed. you never go out of your room anymore. I really want you to go out and have some fun."

"by 'I' you meant mom?"

"Y/N please stop. are you down?" he said

"I mean yeah I can go"

"that's great!" he smiled and kissed your cheek.

for the first time in about 4 months

"be ready in 2 hours I'll tell you."


2 hours later

you put on some Nike shorts and a tank top that said "happy"

wasn't really the mood that you were in but ok

you walked down, slipped on your white superstars &. walked over to Daniels car

"so who's coming with us?"

"it's me, you, Mario, Jacob and Bryce. and then Mark and Hunter will he waiting for us there" he smiled

"oh ok."

Daniel pulled up to a big house and honked

3 boys walked out of the house

Jacob, Mario and the Bryce Guy

he was the only friend of Daniel that you didn't know

they all sat in the back

"hey!" they all said

"hi guys!" Daniel replied

"hi" you said quietly

"oh Y/N I didn't see you in a long time" Jacob smiled and held his hand out to you

you shaked it and turned to Mario

he was probably the closest to you out of all of Daniels friends because you and Cat (his sister) are best friends

"hey Y/N- boo!"

"hey Marihoe" you laughed

then you looked at Bryce

he was actually really hot

you took your hand out to him

"hi my names Y/N. nice to meet you" you smiled

"hi I'm Bryce" he smiled and winked at you

he's so attractive oml

when you got there you did all the payment stuff and rushed to the trampolines

you were really athletic because you do gymnastics

you did a couple backflips until you bumped into a guy

"oh my god im so sorry" you said

"no problem haha" he laughed

"my names Geo!" he said

"oh mine is Y/N nice to meet you Geo!"

(yes this character is played by the snake himself Flamingeos)

"you're actually very cute" he smiled

"oh you are too" you blushed

"do you maybe wanna show me some other tricks you can do?" he laughed (a/n: that's sounds weird af oml)

"oh yeah sure why not"

he grabbed your hand and began to walk to the other side of the spot

you heared somebody call your name

it was Bryce

you turned around and saw him running up to you and Geo

"Y/N let's go" he said as he grabbed your hand

"what, where do you want to go?" you asked confused

"oh, um your Brother told me to get you. so let's go shall we?" he said and began to walk

you pulled your hand out of his

"tell Daniel that I'll be here with Geo" I smiled and looked at him

"but you have to come now"

"Bruh, didn't you hear. she doesn't want to go. now leave us alone bye." Geo said and took your hand

"ok listen you mind your own business Joe or whatever your fucking name is and leave Y/N alone" he stood up and walked closer to Geo

"ok first of all my names Geo and second of all who the fuck are you? you legit came over here trying to take her away from me because 'her brother wants her over'. Dude it looks like her brother is having a blast over there. he could've just came over by himself if he needed her. now get your ass out of here before I get mad" Geo said

"Y/N please don't waste your time on him let's go" Bryce said and legit slapped Geo's hand away from yours

"listen Bryce I am pretty sure that I can do whatever I want with my time so mind your own business."

you saw that he was getting pretty angry

he just grabbed your hand and began walking to the basketball area

you looked over at Geo with a confused face

after you got far away from everybody you decided to ask Bryce why he did that

"Bryce why did you do that?!"

"I just didn't like him ok?"

"and what does that have to do with me spending time with him? you're not my boyfriend and you don't get to choose who you want me to hang out with."

"BUT I WOULD LIKE TO BE!" he yelled

"what?" you asked

"listen Y/N, this might sound crazy because I only met you a few hours ago but I love you. I never felt anything around any girl like I do around you. I really like you.." he said and began to blush really hard

"oh" you smiled

you didnt really know what to say

"s-so do yo-u w-wanna be my g-girlfriend?" he asked

"of course!" you said and hugged him

he's so cute

ok guys this is my longest imagine ever

I might make more of these long ones

gn guys and a Merry Christmas for you all


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