Chapter 1

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HEY! New Steo story!!!!!


Yes I agreed to go get Kira back with Scott.

Yes I helped get Lydia out Eichen House.

Yes I was finally able to get Malia to start talking to everyone again.

Yes I was right about Theo being evil.

No nobody believed me.

Where does that bring me?

Sitting in the sheriff's station while my supernatural friends are off fighting the bad guys. I get why they don't want me there. They don't want me to get hurt. I don't want get hurt either. But still. Derek did they same thing, and guess what happened? He almost died.


I sigh at the thought.

Why did Derek leave? Why did he just ignore my unsubtle ways of trying to show him my feelings. But no. He just decided to get with Braeden. But whatever, he can just keep ignoring me until he needs something. Everybody already does.

I hear my phone vibrate in my pocket which takes me away from my thoughts. 

(Bold Stiles. Reg Scott.) 

Hey Stiles! 

What went wrong?

Well, the Dread Doctors didn't really do anything. But-

But what Scott?!

Theo's at your house and put mountain ash in every way in.  

I don't even care about what Theo's gonna do anymore. But just come here and make sure my dad doesn't come home. Ok? 

What? No Stiles! We should all be there to make sure he doesn't hurt you!

Scott, I'm fine. I promise. Ok? If Theo's coming to talk to me at my house, he obviously wants to talk alone. 

Fine. We'll stay at the sheriff's station and make sure your dad doesn't come home. But find some way that we could hear you if something bad happens. Ok? Promise me that you'll do that. Promise me. 

I promise. I gotta go. Love you bro.

Yea yea love you too. 

I sigh as I get up from the couch in my dad's office and walk out the door. 

"Parrish. I'm going home. Scott and the pack are coming to talk to my dad. Make sure he doesn't leave." I tell the deputy as I walk past his desk.

"I'm gonna get fired because of you." He tells me looking up from his computer. 

I chuckle and walk out the door.  

I get to my Jeep just as the pack pulls into the parking lot. I give them a nod and they walk into the sheriff's station without another word. 

I get to the jeep and make my way to my house. 

I get inside and make my way to my room where the famous Theo Raeken is sitting on my bed smirking.

"Hi Theo." I say giving him a death stare.

"Awwwww don't look at me like that Stiles. I just want to talk." 

I scoff. "Then talk Raeken. What do you want."

"You. I want you in my pack Stiles." Theo tells me walking to me. 

"So you're gonna ask a guy who's best friend is the Alpha of his back, and all of his other best friends are in it? Great logic." I say. 

"Are they really your best friends Stiles? I mean, Scott didn't believe you, Malia won't communicate with you then starts dating Kira, Lydia is ignoring your gestures of telling her you love her, and Derek who's not even here anymore still makes you upset that he left. So tell me Stiles. Are they really your friends?" He asks me getting too close for comfort. 


"Did you hear that? Your heartbeat jumped just a tiny bit. I'll ask again. Are they really your friends? Do they really care?" 


"See. Your heartbeat was steady. You know that they don't care. They don't want you. But you know what I want? You. You Stiles have this rage inside you that hasn't left. It's still in there from the Nogitsune, and you're just too nervous what Scott will think if you let it out. But my and my pack will let you embrace it all you want. Just join us." He persuades me. 

"I can't Theo. What if there able to defeat you and the Dread Doctors? Huh? They wouldn't let me back in and you know that. I can't join your back. I'll have no way to protect you." I say as he back me against the wall.

"Stiles, they might be able to defeat the Dread Doctors, but you won't let them hurt me. Because even if you left them, they still wouldn't be able to hurt you. And hurting me, would hurt you." Theo's face was inches from mine and I noticed that he kept staring at my lips.

"So tell me, Stiles. Are you going to let your so called pack only use you for information, or are you going to come to my pack, when you can be void again with your control?" Theo continues smirking.

"What do you mean with control?"

I can help you become void again, but you can control who you kill, who you don't kill. But one thing, you will always be void. No turning back to hyperactive Stiles with Deaton's magic poison."

"I don't want to." I state obviously a lie.

"But I want you Stiles. I need you Stiles. Because we're both broken, and we can fix each other." His face is now millimeters away from mine, our lips nearly touching.

The words want and need keep popping in my mind. I grab the collar of his shirt and close the space between our lips.

He smiles into the kiss and wraps his hands around my waist. I bring my own to his neck and he picks me up so I'm leaning against the wall with my legs wrapped around his waist.

"Ya know there gonna hate us both right?" I ask breaking the kiss.

"Yea. But it's so worth it." He says and bring his lips back to mine. "So will you join my pack?"


"I'm going downstairs. You coming?" Theo asks me.

"Yea. I'll be down in one sec." I respond and go to the window where my pack is sitting with there mouths wide open.

Scott tries to speak when I open the window but I don't let him. "You can guys go fuck yourselves." I smirk as I shut the window, lock it, and close the binds.

Just as I begin to walk away I hear a way too familiar voice. "I can't believe we just lost Stiles."


My blood boils as I open the window once again.

"You lost me a long time ago Sourwolf."


HEY! First chapter of my Steo story, 'I Care!' Comment other ships you want me to do. I'll do all except Marrish and Steter. Love ya! 

I Care. Steo. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now