Chapter 3

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I've been drinking the same cup of coffee since 2 p.m. It's 6:15. Enjoy!


Isaac wasn't really expecting a call from Scott, of all people. They haven't talked to each other in almost 3 years. Of course, Isaac kept Scott in his contacts so he knew who it was. It might sound stupid but, Isaac was a little embarrassed to talk to Scott. Last time he was at Beacon Hills he didn't even say goodbye not to mention he ignored his crush on Scott by being with his ex.

Scott told him all about Theo, and The Dread Doctors, and Stiles and Theo. Also about Liam, that they didn't know where Derek was up until about a day ago, Malia, him and Kira,and Kira and Malia, and resurrecting Allison. 

Isaac was back in Beacon Hills within a few days and hasn't even seen Stiles. No one has in the pack actually. Liam has been getting closer with Hayden and Mason's been geting closer with Corey, so considering no one's heard from Stiles, they are their source to know about what Theo's planning. 

The pack even went to the Sheriff to ask about Stiles, but he thought that Stiles was on a camping trip. At least the Sheriff knows to never let Stiles go on a camping trip again.  

That's when the pack starting getting worried. 

Stiles wasn't answering any of their calls. Neither was Theo. Hayden didn't know anything new about Stiles, and Corey had no luck either. 

But when Stiles comes to school two days later perfectly fine and smelling way too much like Theo, he has a lot of questions to answer. 

"Where the hell have you been?!" Was Scott's first question.

"With Theo." 

"Why the fuck haven't you been answering our calls?" That was Lydia this time.

"I lost my phone." 

"Why hasn't Theo been answering our calls?" That was Liam.

"He doesn't like you guys."

"Why haven't you said hello to me yet?" Isaac.

"Hi Isaac." 

The pack all look at each other with worried eyes.

"Why are you being such an asshole?" Malia.

"Because I don't know where Theo is right now and I'm not supposed to be talking to you!" Stiles whisper yells. 

"Noted. We're officially out of your life Stiles Stilinski." Kira says as she winks at Stiles then walks away. 

"I'll text you." Scott says and Stiles nods his head as he walks away. 

"So." Theo starts as he and Stiles were walking to class together. "Why were you talking to them?" 

"They were worried because they didn't know where I've been. But it's none of their business anyway." 

"You know Stiles, it's ok if you wanna hang out with them." 

Stiles stops walking abruptly. "What?" 

"Stiles I'm not entirely evil." 

I beg to differ. Stiles thinks to himself. 

"I'm not following."

Theo laughs to himself. "Obviously you still miss them. You can talk to them, I guess. Just don't tell them anything ok. Promise." 

"I promise. And since we're already 3 minutes late and I've been late to Ms. Fleming's class all week, let's go." 

Theo laughs as he walks to class with Stiles, both having to serve detention after school.

I Care. Steo. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now