
105 15 2


Samantha Victoria Johnson

My drawing was almost complete. A girl in the bathtub, her face melting off as if being rinsed by water. I allowed my fingers to graze over it, carefully feeling the rough edge to the paper by the continuous erasing and re-drawing. My index and thumb finger was numb from the rapid strokes I had made when filling in the hair.

I almost smiled. I liked this piece.

Class was in-session but Mr.Jones had better things to do than tell me to put my pencil down. He gave us last-minute safety instructions before we mounted the school bus.

"Sex is prohibited, I don't care who you are and what you identify as. Yes, I'm looking at you, Roland. Don't even try. Other than that, this is your guys' last year in Markson. Try to get to know someone who haven't known. Maybe it'll blossom into a intricate relationship. That being said, sex is still forbidden, especially on the bus."

A series of laughter floated around the class. When Mr. Jones clapped his hands twice, everyone got up from their chairs and grabbed their carry-on bags.

I got up with everyone else, but did not make any move till I was the last person in the lane. My trip-buddy was seemingly very busy chattering with his friends at the front of the lane. I didn't want to be partnered up, or to go on this trip in the first place, so I decided it was best for me to keep my head low and mouth zipped.

Thankfully, Mr. Jones did not force anyone to sit on the bus with their buddies. Jay-- the super tall athlete with curly chestnut hair (my partner)-- chose to sit two rows down from me on the dingy old bus. I was in the last row, stuffed into a corner with my backpack to keep me company.

No one noticed me while I put my hoodie over my head and plugged in my earphones, zoning out. Mr. Jones stood by the driver. "Remember kiddos. No funny business. I'll be watching you."

And just like that, our field trip to Lake Jade had began.


An hour into the ride, I started feeling super uncomfortable. I scratched my thigh, my conscious telling me someone was burning holes through my head. I had to resist looking up, knowing that it was probably some pervs from the football team.

When the temptation grew, I glimpsed up to see a group of students' evil eyes bore into me from a few rows ahead. Their hushed whispers were no doubt about me-- the skinny freak. Among them was David Richford. His impeccable build was showcasing his fine set of muscle, sandy hair and dark dark set of eyes. No doubt an athlete. As our eyes met, amusement flickered onto his face.

I expected him to throw an inappropriate comment or some type of prank that would make his football buddies laugh. Instead, he winked.

I blinked once, then twice.

Did I just see what I think I did?

I blinked again. Unfortunately, David's face was still there, only now his hand came up to mask the smug grin stretching onto his thin lips. Then his eyes pierced away from me to Jay. I swear I saw his lips move as he mouthed, "what a freak." Jay didn't look back but I already knew he would be agreeing. Flushing, I turned back down, concentrating onto the cuticles of my nails as if they were they most interesting thing on the planet.

My stomach churned for the remaining three hours of our journey. After what seemed like days (I could be exaggerating), the yellow school bus pulled up at Lake Jade's Camping Site. Everybody rushed to climb off the bus and gather their suitcases, all excited like elementary school kids for their recess.

For the purpose of our classroom, all the students were looking for an excuse to freedom. Unsupervised freedom, because Mr. Jones did not care at all what we did with our lives as long as no one ended up pregnant. We all were in our senior year, and everyone (except me) was looking forward to a break to spend time with their friends before most of them head off to University. I had no faith in my future, so everything seemed pointless to me.

As expected, I was the last to clamber off the bus, Mr. Jones marking my name off the list. He gave me instructions to where I could find the rest of my luggage and which room I would be staying in with my partner, Jay. He also informed me that everyone was strictly supposed to meet at exactly five in front of the big campfire so he could go over ground rules and restrictions for the campsite. "You're a good girl, Sam. I trust you will not break any rules."

Nodding, I hugged my hoodie closer to my body as I fought the cool wind nipping at my skin and entered the Camp Headquarters. Quietly, I lugged my squeaky blank suitcase to the main desk where a woman wearing a girl scout outfit smiled at me and handed me keys to Cabin no. 12.

We were gonna live in Cabins???

This was so interesting-- and free of cost. I had never been camping before in my life. I thought we were gonna put up some tents in the middle of nowhere. Imaging sharing a tiny tent with a boy, I shuddered at the thought.

I exited the Camp Headquarters and began my search for the Cabins. Everybody had already left. It didn't take me long to figure out where they were.

Down the rocky track surrounded with elm trees, was a row of small, cozy-looking, wooden cabins, one identical to the others on either side. A big number was painted with yellow on the doors of each cabin.

Passing my classmates who were excitedly exploring the area, I tugged my suitcase to Cabin no.12. The front door was shut so I thought that Jay hadn't arrived yet. Maybe he was with friends, like before. With the keys clutched tightly in my right arm, I unlocked the cabin and entered.

As soon as I walked in, the scent of

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