December 26

283 21 0

ally's perspective

"Where is she?" I continued to ask myself as if I actually knew the answer — I paced around worried I had already collected my paycheck but I wanted to stay around to see Y/N collect hers. "Hey why are you still here?" I heard from behind me — I jumped as I had heard Camila's voice "oh hey Cams..." I said awkwardly.

"Hey?! You stole y/n from me! That's so not girl code!" She exclaimed "you know?" I asked softly "yeah she called me yesterday asking for your number, too." I smiled widely "really?" I blushed "aw you like her." She softened up and I just nodded.

She sighed and looked at me "well I can't complain if you really do like her. I just want you to be happy, Al." I smiled and awed pulling her in for a hug. I get myself being lifted upwards and shrieked "y/n!" I shouted once I saw the cheeky smile on her face — she carried me bridal style and I blushed as her hand was on my inner thigh. "Good morning." She rubbed noses with me — "isn't there another way you could have greeted me?" I asked as she put me down.

"Yeah but they were boring." I rolled my eyes playfully and smiled as she pulled me close to her "here," bossman handed her her paycheck — "thanks." Y/N said as bossman left. "Hey I have something for you —" she whispered into my ear — "what is it?" I asked softly as her arms were wrapped around my front.

"It's a surprise that takes place outside." She smiled and I shook my head "you shouldn't have. I didn't get you anything." I poured and she shrugged "It doesn't matter — i like seeing a smile on your face. So keep it, as my present from you." I smiled widely not even trying it just came naturally. We began to walk through the front doors of the mall — "oh my..." I said as I could already see them from the window.

"No." I said laughing shaking my head unbelieving it. "I told you I'd teach you — the cute one that says Ally is yours and mine is the black one." She smiled at me "really?" I said sarcastically as I looked up at her "you really shouldn't have, babe." I said hugging her my head on her chest since she was taller than me and my arms wrapped fully around. I didn't want to let go but I also wanted to learn how to ride a bike.

"So what's the basics?" I asked as I walked over to my bike which was scary since it didn't have training wheels.

"Step one: don't fall." I frowned "already failed and I haven't even mounted it." She laughed at me comment. "Step two: believe in yourself." I rolled my eyes at the cheesy comment. "And step three get on the bike." She said helping me up — my left foot on the left pedal and my right on the ground keeping me still. "Now you have to trust me, its step four." She shrugged and her hands on my back — "take your foot off the ground — I'm right here." She said comforting me but I bit my lip nervously — my foot lightly lifted off the ground but I stomped it back on the concrete.

"It's okay to be scared, Al." She whispered.

I just looked down at the ground until I finally let loose and struggled to balance on the bike "aha! You got it — not petal slowly — I'm right here okay, tell me to let go." I heard her say, I remembers my dad trying to teach me but we both gave up — I gave up on my third or fourth try but I don't want to give up with y/n.

"I'm petaling..." I said to myself.

After a while I felt y/n's hands come off my back and I had a mini heart attack but as I looked down at the empty parking lot I just kept on going not even noticing that I was riding a bike.

"You're doing it!" I heard y/n shout and I looked down at my feet and smiled — but then freaked out knowing I actually was and stopped.

Squinting my eyes I saw y/n ride her bike over towards where I was and smiled flipping my hair. "That was amazing — did you lie?" She said and I shook my head "I never lie," I smirked "what ever you say." She smiled "you remember the steps?" She asked and I nodded – "ready?" I said "I'll be right behind you —" she said and I attempted to rebalance my self on the bicycle as I felt like I was leaning more to my left I just started pedaling praying I wouldn't tip over like how I imagined and breaking a bone.

But as I blinked again I was doing it. AGAIN! I couldn't help but smile as I made it back to where we had started — "I did it!" I shouted and did a stupid victory dance along with a dab, which I knew didn't look good on me but I did it anyways. "Told you you'd do it —" she smiled at me as she dismounted her bike and walked over with open arms "thank you y/n." I said as we had hugged — my face again on her chest — I couldn't help but blush and her chin resting on my head. "Anything for you, beautiful." She kissed my forehead.

That was the first out of many Christmas's we spent together — and every year we'd go for the same job as we first met using the same line "She's Not An Elf," whenever Camila asked — I didn't expect any life changing moment that Christmas but I guess you can't expect love in general.

This is the end of She's Not An Elf I hope you had happy holidays and hopefully this book made you smile during the holidays too! I have many ideas for another Ally/You so vote if you what future Ally/You's. Bye 💋

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