Oh Shiet...

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You know what I think is fun? Walking on ice. The thrill of it all! It's really pretty too, the stretch of crystal glass spread across the surface of a lake. So is it any wonder why I choose to do this? Tentatively, I set my foot out onto the ice. I was alone, as usual. No one here to stop me. The ice was solid, so I took another step, and another and another. Soon I was skipping across, gleeful at the feeling it all brought on. I was a good fifty feet out, and there were no obstacles in my way, so I was happy. Suddenly, I heard a cracking sound behind me. Turning around, I saw a hand coming out of the ice. Following that, a second hand came out of the same hole and broke more ice, causing a big hole to be made. A figure began to pull itself out and it looked disturbingly familiar. "This... Cannot bode well," I stated, defensively backing up a few steps. The figure, who was a person in fact, straightened up. It was a man, and he was dressed in a white collared shirt and blue tie, and wore a tan trench coat over it. What the fuck, is that Cas?! I clutched my head, and considered having a mental breakdown that very moment. Unfortunately, I couldn't do that. The Cas look alike grabbed my winter coat's collar, and hauled me over to the hole. "Wha? No nonononono. I've already fallen through once, I'm not ready to go back yet!" Squirming around, my fists flew out in all directions, effectively hitting.... Absolutely nothing. Ice broke beneath us, plunging us into the dark, icy waters running below. The shock of the water forced the air from my lungs, and I watched the bubbles float to the surface with out ME. Desperate for oxygen, I tried to claw my way up, but the look alike gripped my waist and pulled me down with him. A burning feeling spread through me, and I thrashed. Once I started feeling chills, I resigned myself, knowing it was all over. A sharp, thumping pain burst in my head. Then you'll never guess what happened next. 


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