Chapter 2

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A/N~ I realized that chapter one was kind of short and I'm hoping this one will be longer. I might be updating in a few days because today is Christmas. But until then this is gonna be my last update.

Harry's p.o.v.

After getting my ice cream I made my way down to a little shop on the corner to buy only a few potion ingredients. I walked in and heard a tinny bell go off above me. When I walked up to the counter I thought I was going to be greeted by a nice old man. But I was very much mistaken.
He got up and exclaimed very grouchily, "Gimme your list so we can both move on with our days! Come on now and hurry up!". As much as I wanted to yell angrily back at him I didn't because I knew that it probably wouldn't end well. I wearily gave him my list, not knowing if he'd rip it up or not.
The old man went to the back room, and about 5 minutes later came back with a brown bag that was half full of all the ingredients I would be needing for potions. I tried as kindly as I could to give him a smile and thank him. I payed 1 galleon and 4 knuts for everything. I heard that little bell above my head go off again as I walked out of the store carrying my stuff.
Finally. I have all of the new stuff that I would be needing to start my eighth year. Hopefully this will all fit in my trunk. If it doesn't, then I can always carry it because I'll no longer be carrying Hedwigs cage. I can't believe she's gone. But hopefully Ron's little owl will keep me company with all his screeching.
---------in the Weasley's backyard------
Oh, how I hate apparating. I think Ron knows I'm coming because my trunk should be in his room by now. Oh well, I guess I'll still knock. I don't know why I even bother to knock any more because this is pretty much where I live.
"Harry! What a lovely surprise! Ron told us you might be coming for the rest of the summer, but we didn't know if you were really coming. Ron, Ginny, F-,". Mrs. Weasley started to tear up because she was about to say Fred's name. It's such a shame he isn't here today. Mrs. Weasley tried again and almost repeated her last sentence. "Ron, Ginny, George!!! Harry's here!". I was surprised that George was here. I thought he would be running Weasley's Wizard Wheezes right now.
"Harry!", Ron and Ginny exclaimed together almost perfectly.
Ron questioned, "Will you stop saying everything I do? The way you said his name, you'd think that you're just as important to Harry as I am,". Ron didn't exactly like the fact that I maybe would sometimes like Ginny more than him.
"Ron, you do realize we're dating right? You know sometimes it's like you don't have a clue at what's going on,".
Even though Ron and Ginny fight all the time, them; Mrs. Weasley's cooking; and seeing everyone are my favorite parts about staying here.
After Ron and Ginny were done arguing they came downstairs and both came running up to me. Ron- to give me a big hug, and Ginny- to let our lips meet each others again like they did last time we saw each other. Ginny beat Ron to it. Our lips locked perfectly, and I wasn't aware of our surroundings at all because I just wanted that moment to last forever. I started nibbling at her bottom lip, but did get too aggressive because I knew we were being watched by Ron and Mrs. Weasley. When Ginny kissed me it was like all of my problems went away.
After about 30 seconds or so, I wasn't keeping track of how long we were kissing, we both pulled away and intertwined our fingers together. I faced Ron who had a big look of disgust on his face.
"Bloody hell! You two need to quit snogging each other before I vomit out slugs again! I am not getting used to this. And really Ginny? I go to give my best friend a hug and before I can even reach him your bloody lips are all over him!". Ron is pretty fine with the fact that we're dating, but he just doesn't like when we snog each other in front of him.
"Come on Ron, he's my boyfriend. I haven't kissed him in two weeks! And besides you can have him now, I'll have fun with him later,". She added that last bit with a smirk in which I returned.
Ron gave me a big hug and a pat on the back. "I think the rest of your stuff is up in my room,", he nodded towards my bags and then upstairs. "Hermione will be here tomorrow so we can all get on the train together,".
"Sounds good mate,". I was really excited to see Hermione because I haven't seen her since the beginning of summer vacation.
We walked up the creaky stairs and into his room. My stuff was already there, so I put my ingredients and robes in the pile of my belongings.
After both getting our pajamas on and getting ready to go to sleep, Ron and I sat down on his bed and started talking. But only for a little bit.
"Hey Harry?"
"Yeah Ron?"
"I'm afraid that when we graduate from school that I'm not going to get a job at the ministry and that you and Hermione are and-". Ron sounded very flustered.
But I cut him off before he could finish, "Ron. You know that I like Ginny and that Hermione and I would never betray you. And besides, I really love Hermione, but definitely not in the way that you do,". When I said that last bit I gave him a little smirk. "And Ron, Hermione is in love with you as much as you are in love with her. I'm pretty sure that that's not going to go away,".
Ron is my best friend, but he always has doubts about something. He just doesn't have a lot of self confidence.
"You know Harry? I'm so glad you're my best friend. I don't know what I was thinking. It's just that if Hermione becomes some big huge person at the ministry, you become an Auror, and then I don't get a job at all well, I don't know. I'm just really nervous about this year,".
"I am too, Ron. But if we both want jobs at the ministry then we both need to study extra hard this year. Agreed?".
"Agreed,", Ron whispered lazily as he fell asleep on his bed. I got up and climbed into my bed thinking... about stuff.
Just as I was about to fall asleep, Ginny crept into Ron's bedroom quietly and came over to the bed that I was trying to sleep in.
"Hi Harry,", she calmly and dreamily said.
"Hello baby,". I was so excited that I was getting to spend some alone time with my girlfriend, well almost. Besides the fact the Ron was fast asleep in his bed, we were alone. "I'm so tired,". I mean I really was, and I wasn't lying.
"Wanna have some fun?", Ginny asked slyly. Ginny whisper yelled, "I'm wide awake!".
"Not tonight Ginny, please.". When I saw that she looked disappointed I added, "I promise we will soon,".
Ginny looked pretty disappointed, but she could see the bags under my eyes from the moon light. So she said with an understanding voice, "Okay, but you need to promise me that we will,". She smiled at me as I looked into her gorgeous eyes.
"I already did, but if you really want me to. I promise Ginerva Weasley that we will do whatever you want very soon,". I smiled very big and kissed her forehead. She was half way to the door and told me that she loves me until I caught her arm, and I pulled her back on the bed.
"Harry, what're y-". I gently pressed my lips against hers that were very soft and loving. She seemed confused at first, but then she didn't care. We were moving our lips in a movement that worked for both of us.
I started licking my tongue against her lips asking for an entry. Ginny gladly let me in as I started moving my tongue up and down throughout her mouth. She moaned loudly, but then I pulled away.
I started to laugh and whispered quietly,"Ginny, you need to be quiet or Ron will wake up,".
"Hey! You're doing it too!". She giggled, and I guess that I hadn't realized that I was moaning too. Hopefully Ron won't wake up.
"We'll finish this and maybe something different sometime later. I promise. I just wanted to kiss you before I went to bed,". When I said that last part I laughed, even though I was telling the truth. I really didn't want to stop but I was tired.
"Okay. Goodnight Harry,".
"G'night Ginny, love you!".
"Love you too!", she added and kissed my forehead. She tip-toed out of Ron's room and shut the door slowly. She disappeared out into the dark hallway, and within five minutes I fell asleep.
Fawna's p.o.v.

I'm staying in Diagon Alley until the first of September. It's really lonely here because I have no friends. Yet. It's pretty damp, and dark, and rainy here. But the ride was not fun at all on my Firebolt. It took forever to get here, and it was raining really hard. So now I have a really sore face from all the rain droplets. But what can I do?
     There really is nothing to do here in Diagon Alley because, wait. I'm not very smart right now. I still need to get everything for the new school year! Oh well, it's getting pretty late, and I'm really tired. I think I'll look around and shop for everything tomorrow morning.
     I can't find my room key! Purse, purse, where's my purse?? I think I left it down in the lobby. Well, I guess I have to go back down and get it.
-------------Back by room door----------
     Finally. My purse was sitting on one of the waiting chairs. Now where is my room key? Ah, here it is. Okay, this looks like a pretty nice room. And a very comfortable bed. I started to look around the room and see what came in this room. I flicked my wand and my clothes started to unpack itself. I'm so tired. Even though I'll regret it in the morning when I haven't had a good sleep, I'm not going to bother to get changed. I've had a long day. I waited until my clothes were done unpacking themselves. Once they were, I combed my hair and brushed my teeth. And finally, once I was all done, I climbed into the white sheeted queen sized bed. After thinking about the friends that I would or would not meet for only about a minute, I fell sound asleep and didn't wake up the rest of the night.
---------------in the morning-------------
     Three more days!!! I just woke up to birds chirping, and the sun shining down on my see through curtains. Even though Autumn's almost here, it still kinda feels like summer.
     I don't want to waste my last days of summer vacation, but I'm probably just going to walk around Diagon Alley for the next few days and lay in bed. Might not be so exciting but sounds relaxing to me! *yawn.
     I'm still tired but I need to go brush my teeth! My breath doesn't smell very pleasant. Let's see... umm how about cinnamon toothpaste, that sounds good.
     "Auhhhh,". I breathed in my hand and smelt my breath. Mmmm, cinnamon.
     Ewe, my hair is a mess! I really need to comb it. It takes forever because my hair goes down to my lower back. But I think it looks pretty good when I'm done, so it's worth it.
     Now that I'm done, I think I'm going to go eat breakfast, take a shower, and then relax in my room for the next few days.

A/N~ I know that this one is definitely really long. Hopefully the rest will all be just a little bit shorter than this and so yeah! For anyone who celebrates it, Merry Christmas!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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