Cucumbers You Suck... Not so Bad

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The NEET sat at his laptop as always, snack bags and soda bottles laid about making a mess around him, his hair was disheveled all over, his shoulders slumped. He seemed annoyed. The part timer was at the table reading a new manga he bought before coming home from work an hour or so ago.

Winter had rolled around just last week, that was clear as the snow that lay on the ground, Maou had saved up for months to get a small heater for the apartment, but that wasn't enough to keep warm, Ashiya had scolded his king as best he could for buying such an expensive thing, when they could have just got cheap blankets, but the scolding fell on deaf ears, he told Ashiya to stop complaining because it was a used heater, a few years old, they were lucky it even worked.

"Ashiya texted me on Rikas phone, it's snowing to much for him to come home. He will be back later tomorrow." Maou spoke over the calm silence "Cool." Was his only reply "Honestly are you so lazy, you can't even give a nice sentence as a reply?" Maou scuffed "Maybe." Urushihara said "That's it." Maou stood up in a slight rage, gaining no reaction from the purplenett teen, he stormed over grabbed his hair and dragged him to the kitchen "Ow what the hell!?" The demon general shouted in shock as he tried to gain feeling in his half asleep legs "You're helping me cook dinner." Maou spoke proudly "No way I'm not the house wife! Ashiya is!" Lucifer growled gaining a harsh shove into the counter "Hold this." Maou handed him a cutting knife and headed to the fridge "I need you to cut these cucumbers." He put the cucumbers in front of him "How?" Urushihara looked at them "You take the knife and bring it down firmly onto the cucumbers the-" "I know how to cut! Just how, which way! Small pieces or long?" Urushihara gave him an annoyed glare "Long was." Maou responded while taking out a jar of honey and some chicken.

As Maou cleaned the chicken in the sink he looked over at his fallen friend, he seemed exhausted, like no sleep for days "Did you get any sleep?" He asked calmly as he moved the chicken to a pan on the stove "No, I haven't for about a week and a half." He replied rudely "Why not?" Maou was oblivious to the answer "Maybe because I sleep in a duck tapped noodle of boxes! No pillow or blanket! It gets cold at night even with a heater! That may I remind you... faces you and Ashiya!" Urushihara spoke loudly with each word "Well maybe if you were useful you'd get rewards. Ashiya does the laundry, and cooks dinner. You just sit on that laptop or PASTA system." Maou gave a scolding tone, but was calm "Well maybe if I felt appreciated, I would be useful!" Urushihara wasn't paying attention and thus cut the back of his hand by accident, he pulled back with a hiss, dropping the knife "Ow.... ow... ow..." Maou turned his head at the yelp, worry glazed his eye for a brief moment, without hesitation he ran to the bathroom for the first aid "Sit at the table!" He ordered Urushihara cradled his hand as he did as told, blood dripped down onto the floor as he sat down, he held it away from the table, knowing Maou would bitch if he got blood on it.

Maou had returned with the first aid and started putting infection spray on his hand "Ow!" Urushihara tried to pull his hand back but it was held firmly at the wrist "Stop moving, you are making this harder." He growled "Maybe if it didn't hurt!" He hissed as his hand was sprayed once more "It's cut pretty deep, not enough for stitches, but it will take a while to heal. May leave a scar." Maou put the spray down and started to clean the blood, before wrapping it up in gaze, Urushihara was looking anywhere but at his hand or Maou. "Strange how you're doing this." He mumbled lowly "How so?" He responded "Ashiya would do this normally, or you would leave me to handle it, or if I wasn't your general, and this were more severe, you'd leave me to die." He stated bluntly "Ashiya isn't here, and no I wouldn't." Maou finished wrapping it up and begun to put the supplies away "Yes you would have." He frowned standing up "No I wouldn't have." Maou states offended "You would have. Back in Enta Isla, you would have." He picked up the knife, cleaned it in the sink, turned down the stove before the chicken burned and started cutting once more "You were my general, I would have gotten you myself." Maou fights "Whatever dude. You don't treat me like that's the case, so I highly doubt it." He moved the cut cucumbers onto a plate, turns the chicken over and started to drizzle some honey over the cucumbers as Maou put the first aid kit away.

During dinner neither of them spoke, once dinner was over Maou picked up the plates and cups and got on the dishes as Urushihara went to the laptop, it was around midnight, the temperature was below freezing, the heater faced Maou as he laid in his spot finishing his book "It's late." Maou spoke "Yep." Urushihara shrugged lazily "Sleep with me?" Maou put the book down "Not in the mood." Urushihara replied "You're a bottom anyway, but I ment sleep with me." Maou grabbed his shoulder gently "You need some sleep, you are exhausted and your body needs rest to help heal it." He gently pulled Urushihara over, draping the blanket over the both of them, turning the heater down "Sure, then when Ashiya gets back tomorrow it's back to the noodle box." Urushihara rolled onto his side racing away from Maou "No, I should treat you better. I'm sorry. You can sleep with me till I save up for a new pillow and blanket." Maou spoke as he wrapped his arms around Lucifers waisted gently and nuzzled into his chest "I'll hold you to that." He mumbled gently as he finally got some well needed rest, Maou gently kissed his cheek before closing his eyes.

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