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Ok, something that all of us have done at least ONCE in our lives. I struggle with this HUGELY.

Super messy room? Big assignment due? House cleaning and chores? It's just so BORING!

"I don't wanna do it. I can just say that I forgot."

"I'll do it tomorrow."

"It's not that important anyways."

"I will only skip today. I will do it any other day."

Procrastinating can lead to many bad things. Your parents getting mad or bad grades. None of us want that. So here's a list that can help you push past procrastinating.

1) To-Do List!:

This can help in a huge way! List everything that you need to do. Big small, anything! Write all of the stuff that you need to do in the day. As you go throughout the day, check of the things that you have accomplished. This can help motivate you to get stuff done. (Another thing you can do to help is add times to your lists. EX: 11:30 am- Walk dog

12:00 pm-Clean kitchen

12:20 pm- Work on English assignment

1:30 pm- math homework)

2) Complete the hardest stuff first:

Sometimes the hardest things and the stuff that is most work will loom over you and make you not want to do anything. If you complete this first, it will just get easier from then on.

If your major project is something that cannot be done all at once, then break it up into smaller sections.

(EX: Day 1- planning

Day 2- get materials

Day 3- lay out and begin placing

Day 4- Complete project)

3) Do things in smaller time frames:

I find that doing my chores only take about 20 minutes, but I still don't wanna do them. When I do, I only do it half heartedly. NO! This can lead to your parents or guardian getting really ticked off, and that's never fun to deal with. So maybe do 5 minutes of your chores, than take a small break. This will help motivate, even though you won't want to get up. It can help big time.


This makes a HUGE difference. It will help you focus. Put your phone, iPod, laptop or whatever distracts you, in your room, and close your door. This can even motivate you to get the job done, so that you can go back on the Internet, or whatever floats your boat.

5) Get a friend or someone to help you complete the job and motivate you:

Having a friend, parent or guardian there to egg you on will make a difference. Have them take away distractions. Helps a lot!

6) Focus on the end goal and reward!:

Treat yourself to something, at the end of it all.

Hope that helps! Please comment if you have any other suggestions on topics!

I got these tips from Wikihow




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