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Double update! You guys should be proud:) anyway hope you guys are good. Please give me feedback it would mean a lot.

Love Kylee:{3


Quentin's POV

Craig kept trying to touch my thigh but I would just slap his hand away. It was so annoying, all guys in this century wanted you for your body and I hated it. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt something on my thigh higher up than it should have been. A hand. I had read about pressure points as I put his hand in mine pressing down on his pressure point. He yelped in pain as he pulled his arm into his cradling it as best he could without ruining the "bosses" car.

"Maybe next time don't try that, yeah?" I smirked in satisfaction as his face turned in anger and his knuckles turned white from gripping the steering wheel to hard. I knew it was perfect timing when his hand wouldn't have feeling for awhile and we were on the borders of the city. I looked out the window, looking for a soft escape. There. I thought as a saw a playground up ahead with kids running around and parents watching from the benches. It was a few meters from a stop light so he wouldn't be going to fast for me to jump.

I hoped I looked innocent and not like I was planning my escape. As we neared the playground I had put my hand on the door handle, ready. The opportunity came as I opened the car door and jumped as I heard angered shouts from my previous moving prison. I fell on my side in the grass and hurried to my feet. Adrenaline was pumping in my veins as I ran from the intersection looking for a hiding place. I heard a car door slam shut but I was too far and running too fast for my captor to catch up especially with a numb hand. As I finally found myself in an alley between flats, I hid behind a pile of rubbish. I heard a car drive by and stop. There was a slam of a door and footsteps coming in my direction.

They paced back and forth looking for any signs of life but luckily I was too well hidden for him as his footsteps became farther away and the car peeled out. I sighed with relief taking in my surroundings for the first time. The flats had back doors that led to the alley so they could take the trash out. I stood up slowly, making sure he wasn't still there, and made my way over to one of the back doors hoping the owners wouldn't come out an scold me. But that hope disappeared as there was a car pulling up to one of the flats. I ran to the rubbish pile again, watching the car. It wasn't Craig thank god, but it must have been the owners to the flat.

There was five laughing guys all getting out at once and a big burly man who suspiciously scanned the area. Then I recognized them as the boys from this morning and it had to be of course One Direction. Don't get me wrong their new music was better but they were still five annoying and immature guys. I watched as they walked into the alley, not wanting to attract attention. They passed me by not giving the rubbish pile a second glance, while joking around with each other. The bodyguard walked up to the door and unlocked it before letting the boys in and checking the area one more time. But just as I thought I was home free my phone started blaring 'Miss Jackson' by Panic! and the body guard started looking for a presence of a fan, I'm guessing.

I fumbled with my pocket trying to make the music stop, as the boys started to step out on the porch.

"Boys go back inside, whoever you are, you can't hide." The bodyguard said in an accent I couldn't detect but it wasn't British. The boys looked calm and collected waiting for something to happen when one of them spoke.

"Ah c'mon Paul there's no one out here it was probably just a pedestrian or someone could have just dropped their phone." The boy with ocean blue eyes and brown hair, that was a mess on top of his head. But the bodyguard that name was Paul wouldn't have any of it as he walked down the alley inspecting the rubbish. I wanted to laugh so bad but that would only give me away as two of the boys went back inside. Suddenly the Porsche I had jumped from this morning pulled up to the curb. And out came Hunter, Paul looking at him suspiciously as Hunter strolled right up to him with Craig at his heels.

"Can I help you?" Paul asked gruffly, standing his ground which made him look intimidating. I looked back at the boys and they looked weirded out but were eavesdropping on the interaction.

"Yeah have you seen a beautiful girl with brown and red dip-dyed hair that comes to here and forest green eyes?" Hunter asked Paul as he showed how far my hair went too, just below my chest. From my point of view Hunter looked sad and like he had been frantically "looking" for me. But I knew he was full of shi.t

"No we haven't and you best be getting a move on, we aren't hiding any girl." Paul spoke crystal clear trying to get Hunter's mind wrapped around that I wasn't here. Hunter then made a pouty face and he made himself look like he was about to cry. I snorted quietly but I think I had attracted someone's attention even though they couldn't see me. I looked to the three boys that were left on the back porch and the one that was staring at the rubbish pile I was under, had brown hair styled into a short quiff and brown eyes. He resembled a puppy but a mischievous one at that. Turning back to Hunter and Paul, Hunter and Craig were starting to leave giving up on the alley and moving to the next one.

"Alright boys back inside." Paul said ushering the boys back inside without another look towards the street as the Porsche peeled out. I sighed out in relief when there was no one left in the alley. I stood up wiping the dirt of my butt and started walking out of the alley. I knew now that I could use these boys to my advantage if I wanted to hide. I could just come to this alley because Hunter wouldn't go snooping if he could get in major trouble for it, which he could with going snooping near these boys. So I decided I would go to my flat and change into something dark and warm. Then I would come back here to hide out. But if only it were that simple.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2016 ⏰

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