Hands to Myself

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Magnus Chase has updated his status:

Can't keep my hands to myself


Percy Jackson: Uhh ... dude?

Magnus Chase: No matter how hard I'm trying to

Annabeth Chase: Uh, cousin, what have you eaten last night?

Samirah al-Abbas: I have a feeling I know what's going on.

Magnus Chase: I want you all to myself

Alex Fierro: Please stop Beantown.

Carter Kane: Uh who's that?

Samirah al-Abbas: Oh, she's the other child of Loki. She's floor nineteen's newest einherji.


Alex Fierro: Oh, so it was the sword? I was wondering what had happened to you earlier. 

Jack/Sumarbrander: Sorry, senor. My phone was charging earlier.

Magnus Chase: You don't have a phone, Jack.

Jack/Sumarbrander has logged off.

Percy Jackson: Dude, you have a talking sword?

Magnus Chase: Please don't ask.

Annabeth Chase has updated her status:

Anyone notice that it's already Christmas Eve?


Sadie Kane: Oh yeah! I've already put my gifts under the Christmas tree of Brooklyn House. 

Carter Kane: I'm not looking forward to see what Sadie has got for me. Probably some bubble gum or something.

Sadie Kane: I find your attitude offensive, dear brother.

Percy Jackson: I hope everyone got something for me.

Leo Valdez: Yeah well I'm taking Calypso out on a date tomorrow sooo

Percy Jackson: Dude spare some time for your bud, can't you?

Leo Valdez: Leo is currently away from the phone at the moment. Please leave a message at the tone. Um ... BEEEEEEEEEEP

Leo Valdez has logged off.

Percy Jackson: Seriously?

Aphrodite: I love the part where people kiss under the mistletoe <3

Piper McLean: Mom you're embarrassing me.

Jason Grace: Not like you want to do it anyway.

Piper McLean: JASON!!

Jason Grace has logged off.

Aphrodite has updated her status:

Am I the only person around here who ships Magnus x Sam?


Athena: You actually READ?!

Aphrodite: I just had to! At least Percabeth is technically involved!

Annabeth Chase: Not helping Aphrodite! And there are no ship scenes of me and Percy in the book!

Magnus Chase: You're not helping either, Annabeth!

Samirah al-Abbas: The moment I log on here, and I see this?!

Alex Fierro: I feel for you, sister. Amen.

Samirah al-Abbas: I'M MUSLIM, ALEX!! And if Amir sees this I'm sooo done.

Blitzen: I'll warn the others, don't worry.

Freya: I ship Sam x Amir <33 but Magnus x Sam is cute too

Blitzen: Mom! No way! 

Freya has logged off.

Carter Kane has updated his status:

Anyone seen the Romans? Only Jason's here, but the rest of them have disappeared.


Annabeth Chase: They're preparing for the Christmas party at Camp Jupiter. All the campers at CHB are invited. The Egyptians aren't tho.

Sadie Kane: Don't worry, brother, I've already planned out the 21st Nome's party :)

Carter Kane: Why do I have the feeling that it's going to blow real hard?

Walt Stone: It had

Anubis: better not

Walt Stone: because we're

Anubis: coming too

Sadie Kane: It won't :P I mean it won't blow real hard that's what I meant.

Carter Kane: Wait but why isn't Jason organizing the party with them?

Piper McLean: Jason's visiting CHB that's all. Tomorrow he's coming with us to San Francisco too. 

Nico di Angelo has updated his status:

Hey everyone :P

Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Magnus Chase, Samirah al-Abbas, Alex Fierro, Blitzen, Carter Kane, Sadie Kane, Walt Stone, Anubis, Piper McLean and Leo Valdez have logged off.


Nico di Angelo: REALLY?!

Krysina has updated her status: 

Well I haven't posted for quite a while >.> I was thrown completely off track by the hectic year. It's my first year of high school, so I wasn't exactly completely free. 

Credits to LilydaughterofHecate for that Magnus x Sam ship thing from Aphrodite :)

And since tomorrow is Christmas, I'll just wish you guys a Merry Christmas while I'm at it :D

Hopefully I'll be able to keep updating after this.

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