What I want for christmas

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[A/N:]Hey guys I took some time to plan the future of the story (again) I had to think what I was going to do since I'll be on vacation all January.
Also it was one week ago when I wrote part seven and the story was on 1k views one week later we are on 1650 views so thank you again, I will be thanking you everytime we reach milestones like this because this is all thanks to you.

Since is Christmas eve on the United States and from where I'm from It's just a regular day until night (that's when we celebrate Noche Buena) I wanted to continue the story from Christmas eve.

With that said chapter 8! 


[Your P.O.V]

It's Christmas eve here in Japan, we are Hours away from the Christmas day the day when we spend time with our families the time when we contact our friends to wish them a merry Christmas... Also is the first year that I'll be spending Christmas without my parents, Rias told me yesterday that we would be leaving to have a Christmas dinner with all the household members and our families, she knows that I don't have family anymore, aside from my friends that are my only "family", so she allowed me to bring my band friends, the know all this devil, angels, fallen angels story so there will be no problem.

we will be leaving at 3 pm so I have some time to buy gifts for everyone and hopefully hide them somewhere, the hard thing is choosing the gifts, so I have to go as soon as possible to have more time to think.

[End of your P.O.V]

Rias:"[Y/N] where are you going?"

[Y/N:]"Oh I'll go take some fresh air I really need it"

Rias:"Okay don't be late we have to be punctual to visit my parents they are very strict"

[Y/N:]"Sure don't worry!"

You left the room looking behind you to make sure no one was following you, and no one was, after you bought all the gifts you watched your clock, the time was 2:45 pm you returned to the occult club at 2:55 pm so it was all perfect.

when it was time to leave a magic circle appeared under you and your friends teleporting you to some sort of train.

While you were on the train you thought:

"How ironic we will be celebrating a Religious day, with devils, it's pretty weird"

You didn't notice that Rias was talking to you

Rias:"Earth calling to [Y/N] are you there?"

[Y/N:]"Y-Yeah I'm sorry"

Rias:"Anyways I wanted to warn you, If my parents start acting weird and making you uncomfortable just don't pay attention to them okay?"

[Y/N:]"Sure, don't worry I know how to deal with that"


she sighed but then made smiley face

you finally reached the destination, Rias' parents where waiting for you in the door of a huge mansion 

Rias' dad:"Welcome everybody let me introduce myself for all our new guests my name is Zeoticus Gremory, she is my lovely wife Venelana Gremory, this is my son Sirzechs Gremory, and his wife Grayfia, make yourself at home, by the way what is your name?"

[Y/N:]"My name is [Y/N] and this are my friends Kiba, Ken and Takashi together we have a band"

Zeoticus:"Oh so you are [Y/N] Rias told us a lot about you"

[Y/N:]"Oh and what did she tell you?"

Zeoticus:"She told me that you are the..."

Rias:"The best pawn of my household" she said interrupting his dad and with an anxious laugh

you didn't pay attention to this and entered the house, it was now nightime and the dinner was ready, when the dinner was finished and the clock marked 12 pm a tone of fireworks were released blowing up in the sky, Rias parents, the household members and your friends went through the main door to see the firework show, but Rias grabbed your hand and took you through the back door to her secret place, the view was awesome but you noticed that Rias wasn't watching the fireworks she was watching you, when you noticed she said

[Y/N:]"Look Rias I know that you said you weren't interested in a relationship but..."

your heart started pumping faster than ever

[Y/N:]"I really like you and I just want one gift for Christmas a gift that I can have and that can make me happy forever, that gift is you"

You saw her crying but she went forward and kissed you, this kiss was softer and had more love than ever, you kissed her back and you felt like the time was frozen, when you finished kissing you grabbed her and hugged her, you then went back to the home to see Issei and Akeno kissing, Obviously Rias and you where very shocked but you both made it out of that shock and congratulated Issei and Akeno for their new relationship, and told them that also Rias and You started dating, they both congratulated back, then you headed to the tree to give the gifts to your friends, lastly to gave Rias her gift, when she opened it she saw a ring with rubies and a big emerald in the center

You saw her crying but she went forward and kissed you, this kiss was softer and had more love than ever, you kissed her back and you felt like the time was frozen, when you finished kissing you grabbed her and hugged her, you then went back to th...

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  [Y/N:]"It reminds me of your hair and your eyes, I hope you like it"

Rias:"I love it... I love you!"

She then kissed you again and hugged you.

The day was finally over you would be staying for the rest of the day but now it was time to sleep Rias told you that she convinced her parents to have a bed for Her and you to sleep together, you smiled, you kissed her and you went to sleep watching how beautiful she was.



Thanks for reading this chapter. Thanks again for all your support, and your feedback.

I want to take a little more of your time to wish you a Merry Christmas, I'm not a Religious guy but I take the opportunity of Christmas to spend time with my family that is what matters, I hope you have an amazing time and also I hope that you get some cool gifts.

With that said, I will see you in the next chapter.

See Ya! 

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