Chapter 2

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I turn into Tesco's so I can pick up some milk and bread.

"Sensational Boy Band One Direction has returned home after their amazing Take Me Home Tour!"

The radio speaks about the biggest boyband in the world, one of my favourites. As I turn into a parking spot Best song ever just happens to turn on. So I decided to have a jam in the car 


I scream at the top of my lungs, I need a life. I siently laugh.



"That will be $6.99" 

I open my purse only seeing a twenty and hand it to the man.

I take whats left of my change and put it in my purse. Just as I am heading back to my car I get a call from an unkown number.


"Hi, Miss Pepper This is Mrs Smith. David has been ammited to hospital for a serious astma attack You need to be there right away"

"What? Okay I'll be right there"



"So he is stable at the moment?" I ask the doctor just outside David's hospital room

"Yes for now. But it was too close Miss Pepper. His astma is serious."

I don't get it. There was no trace of astma in my family at all, it was so werid how David's condition is so serious.

"So, What were the results from the blood test?" 

The doctor sternly looks at me and calls me into  his office.

"Whats going on? Doctor field?"

He takes off his white coat making this "Meeting" much more serious

"Violet I'm afraid there was a problem the day David was born."

"What do you mean?"

There was a massive pause throughout the room, what could of gone wrong?

"David was switched at birth.. He is not your biological son."


"What? How? I gave birth to him!"

It all made sense now. My 4 year old blonde head blue eyed son was not mine. I had taken home a different child that I gave birth to.

"So where is my biological child?"

"We are still working on that. Because your child was premature he had to go into the nursery for quite sometime and thats when we think the switch happend."

I can't believe I didn't even realise, I was part Italian! how did I give birth to a blonde blue eyed baby? I don't even know the real father. It was some guy from a party I hooked up with.

Trying to be calm I asked.

"So what babies were born on the same day as mine.. David."

"There was a woman whom had a girl and then there was.." He paused


"Niall Horan,"

"Wait What? You tink my baby was switched with One Direction's Niall Horan?"

"Yes its the most likley situation,"

"I can't believe I am actually having this conversation! Does this normally happen? A person raise their son for four years then they find out that its not their kid? I've lost four years with my biological son!"

"I know it is hard to understand, this.."

"Understand? This mistake has now changed my life! My son has been growing up with a billionare! and i've been raising a popstars son! All by accident!"

"We are so dearly sorry Miss Pepper. Niall Horan is coming straight here when he picks up his.. your son."

"This is ridiculous."

I walk out side the room so confused and lost.

I decide to go sit next to my son.. david, while he sleeps.

{What do you think? Imagine if this actually happened to you! Vote if you want me to continue ;)}

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2014 ⏰

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