The Darkness

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The darkness of the world has always been apart of me. I can see death before it happens, listen to crys of the dead. It's was scary growing up with this curse. Being different in a world so "normal". When I was little I remember walking down the streets with my parents talking to the dead or what my parents thought was my "imaginary friends". My parents never thought I was telling the truth about anything. My father got mad and hit me. I guess diserve it for being a "bad kid".

My name is Jake. I am 17, I have raven black hair, standing at 6'3, I have grayish-blue eyes, I love music I could get lost in my music, and I can see the dead. Oh and I'm gay, my dad and I never got along he would beat me and I would turn around and cuse him out. My mother died when I was little. I used to have an older brother who took care of me but he died to I was seven years of age. My brother saved my life. We live in Washington near the Canadian border about two hours from.

Today was Monday and I was getting ready for the hell of my life.... School. I was openly gay so I get made fun of a lot. I also get in fights, but I get help from the dead I made friends with. My best friend in the intire universe is Zero. Zero and I have been friends for a long time I think it was when I was born. Zero had this way of making me at peace. Zero has silver hair, emerald green eyes that you could get lost in, I always did, he has strong arms that he could hold me with or "wrap his engery" around me with. I never did understand ghost talk and I been near ghost talk my entire life. But I guess that is a good thing depending on the ghost. Maybe that's why I am always calm with Zero around.

Zero told me that ghost energy could kill or heal a person depending if they like you or not. Ghosts could also knock you out cold if they phase through you. I learned that from having a panic attack and Zero phasing through me, but let me tell you best sleep of my life!

Zero is a ghost, he died from a car crash. He died with his parents who loved and cared for him enough so that his mother wrapped herself around Zero to protect him. His father on the other hand was trying to slow the car to a safe stop, he failed. The car as Zero told me, flipped about three times and rolled off the road into the dense forest area that layed near the highway.

I was just about to hop in my car to leave for school when I heard someone call out my name in a shlurr. I looked at Zero who was in the back of my car he looked back at me a shrugged. "If I where to guess maybe it's one of you're dad's drinking buddies" Zero said with his cool, strong, deep voic. When I turned around to see who it was I could feel my blood boil and my fists clench. Why the hell is he here? He never home this early.


Who do you think this mystery guy is I bet you know haha....

Hey, I'm sorry it's so short this is my first short story so plz take it easy on me, thanks! I hope some people get interested in it and if not well I tried ;3 Alright I'm going to stop boring you guys plz let me know what you think so far thanks!

-with love Jade <3

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