Where it starts

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From when I can remember I always attracted the wrong guys...wait let me rewind some, actually let me rewind ALOT. I was born in texas in a small small town called wetherford, my biological father cared about me I guess I'm not sure we don't talk anymore. But when I was about one years old they started having problems, my mom would become very violent and abusive to him verbally and physically. He threatend to take me from her so she up and left and took me with her a year later, so i was twp and still dodn have a father figure in my life. My mom moved us back home with my grandma ( her mother) and my older soster which she didnt have custody over because my mom felt like she wasn't worth fighting for. So she gave up my sister to my grandma who raised her and took care of her. by the time I was I was 3, my mom did hard drugs like Crack and coke and heroin. She would trade me (her own daughter) to get it and me being 3 I wanted to make my mommy happy and get to spend anytime with her I could. So I went with her where ever she went to get her drugs from and usually we would stay there for a couple days or so. But it started when I was 3 she would trade me for drugs, and when I say that I mean she would let whoever she was getting the drugs from have sex with me, it didn't matter how many guys there were or what race(they were black). My mom would sit there tweaked out of her mind and not do anything about it, I'm not sure how my mom got hooked on drugs or anything like that. And no this isn't a pity story, it's MY story... it's where everything starts. ..

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