Twenty Seven (EDITED)

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Blaise, Pansy, and Theo took us back to London, rented us an apartment, and explained to us how they escaped. We told them of our plan and they promised to help. We spent the rest of the evening eating and chatting. I was surprised that they had Muggledborn money, but at least now we weren't doing everything illegally.

Now Ginny and I were sharing a bed. She, oh course was already asleep, snoring away. But it was almost one in the morning and I still couldn't sleep.

I slipped out of the soft sheets and threw on a flannel over my dull blue shirt and black sleep shorts. Now I was shuffling out into the main room.

It was dark and dead quiet, but I still knew exactly where I wanted to go. There were two other doors, one I knew Pansy and Theo were behind, as they had told us they were together. But through the other door Blaise and Draco would be sleeping.

I slowly turned the knob, and, to my surprise, the wood didn't creak. I stepped in without a sound and moved to where I could see white blonde hair and stared.

His eyes were closed and his breath was steady. He looked so peaceful and calm in sleep. Like his cold and strong exterior disappeared and I could see the loving boy underneath.

He wore a white cotton tee that made show of his muscled arms which were folded under his head, making the hem rise. I got a glimpse of more muscles I'm sure no one had ever seen. He had flannel pants on too, thank Merlin. I would not have been able to come back from that. There was also a bandage on his left forearm that covered his still bleeding dark mark.

I couldn't help but smile.

"It's not polite to stare, Hermione. But then again, how can you not?"

His voice started me as his silver eye slipped open and he sat up.

I nodded toward the door and together we exited.

"Couldn't sleep either?"

He nodded but shot me a warm smile.

"Is everything okay?" he asked as my features folded into a frown.

"What if the other places end up just like Gaunt Manor? A trap. I can let you guys get hurt. I won't."

"Hermione, we want to help you. We know what can happen and we're ready. Mione, I'll die for you any day and you know that. And I can understand if you want to keep them safe. They're our family. But you can't do this alone."

"Do you know what it'll do to me if one of you dies because of my father? It'll kill me, Draco. Especially if it's you."

"I'm not going to die, Hermione. And neither are they. We did this. We have to fix it."

"What do you mean?"

"We're going to Little Hangleton Graveyard."

"What!? No! I won't let you!"

"It's us or them." I didn't move for the longest time, thinking. Then I grabbed the wand Draco had given me and stood taller.

"Let's do it."

We changed clothes and promised to be back by morning. Then apperated.

When we appeared, snow was falling heavily and soft music was playing in the background. Then I realized it wasn't music, it was carols.

"Is that, carols?"

"Um, yeah. Look." I pointed to a large, decorated evergreen tree. "It's a Christmas tree."

"I think its Christmas day."

As we continued to look around I realized that he was right. People in the windows were smiling and ripping open packages, fire crackling. They all looked so happy. If only they knew.

In The Dark (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now