An Anonymous Christmas

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An Anonymous Christmas

"Lizzie, I'm freaking out," Jackson said, bursting into her chambers.

"Relax, Jack," Lizzie said, snipping off the end of some red ribbon. She'd been wrapping gifts most of this morning. Now she just needed to add the finishing touches. "I'm sure everything will go fine." She began curling the ends of the ribbon with her scissors. Her brother was so lucky she'd already wrapped his gift.

"What if she says no," he said, rubbing a hand through his hair.

Lizzie rolled her eyes. He'd been asking her the same 'what if' question all week. "Do you really think Avery will say no?"

"I don't know. Avery is sneaky sometimes. I can't figure out what she's got going on in her head."

With a chuckle, Lizzie set down her supplies. "Avery will not say no. Trust me. That girl is as solid as it comes."

And she was. Jackson was a strong guy--he had to be as Commander of the Royal Guard-- it only made sense that he'd have a mate that was tough and durable. Not that this would be hard. Lizzie knew the answer in her sleep.

Jackson was just nervous. Which was something she'd rarely seen as she got to know him. "Jackson, I promise you, she will not say no."

Then Jason, Ethan's best friend, came in the room. "Lizzie, Eth and the photographer are waiting for you in the great room."

What? She shoved her sleeve back to glance at her watch. "It was just 2! I thought I had an hour! I don't even have my dress on."

Shit, shit, shit. Like a whirlwind, she rushed to her closet, slammed the door, and whisked her Christmas dress off the hanger. "Jason, can you go stall?" She asked through the door.

Jason's reply was muffled. "Stall? Of course, darling, but I'm not sure how long my ruggedly handsome friend is going to wait before he comes looking. And as much as I hate to say this, my shining personality only goes so far."

"If I punch you in the face, how much will that take away from your 'shining personality'?"

"Harsh," Jason said, but he must've left because he didn't say anything after that.

She wiggled into the burgundy strapless dress with some ease, though the zipper in the back would be an issue. "Jackson? Are you still out there?"


"Can you help me zip up?" She asked as she opened the closet door. Her black heels to match the short, pleated dress rested by the couch in the sitting room. She'd been too afraid she'd forget which ones to wear if she'd put them near the colossal wall of shoes in the closet. 

While her brother zipped up her dress, Lizzie sighed. "Look, Jack, I know you're nervous, and it makes sense. This is serious. But if I know anything about Avery, it's that she loves you. Trust her to make the right decision if nothing else."

Jackson's breath fanned over her exposed shoulders. When he was done with her zipper, he stepped back. "You're right."

"She loves you," she reminded him, "and you love her."

"I do."

"Good." She gave her brother a pat on the chest. Today was one of his few days off. With only two days until Christmas, she'd take all the time with her brother she could. Especially since the jerk had to work Christmas day. "Lizzie, crime doesn't take a holiday," he had told her.

"You're coming to the party, right?"

"I will be there."

"Awesome," she smiled. "Now, how do I look?" With a little twirl, she showed her brother the dress. It was shorter in the front, longer in the back, and with the pleated skirt and off the shoulder straps it made for one of her more mature dresses.

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