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Authors note:

So then, I don't actually ship this very much but I got a request from BrittanyGrimsley9 . Also, I've done them as humans for all the other ones but I'm gonna do ponies for this one. Please read and enjoy. XD

Luna's POV:

"Happy hearts and hooves day my dear sister." Celestia greets me as I return from my night duties, "I suppose you shall be out sharing others dreams tonight?"
"I am a good secret keeper." I tell her with a laugh. On this day I always visit the romantic dreams of other ponies and it had been me and my sisters secret tradition for years.
"I know you are." Celestia says with a smile, getting ready to leave our castle, "I know you are."

Applejack's POV:

For me, today is just any other day on the farm. The whole family helping to buck the apples, just like we normally would. Hearts and Hooves day doesn't affect our work.
"Applejack? Big Mac?" Asks Aplebloom, who is a little more excitable today than usual, "Do either of you have special someponies?"
"Not me," I tell her, truthfully.
"Nope." Says my brother. I have a feeling he isn't being quite as honest as I am.
"Ya sure about that?" Teases Applebloom, reminding Big Mac of last year, when she and her friends used a potion that caused him to fall madly in love with her teacher, Miss Cheerilee.
"Yup." He says, clearly getting annoyed with her.
"I think you and Miss Cheerliee were a pretty darn good couple." I say, finding my brothers annoyance funny.
"Nope." He says and I know for sure he's telling the truth now. Then why wasn't he earlier? Is there somepony he likes? That's a job for Applebloom really...although last time was not very successful...

Luna's POV:

I fly over the velvet black night sky, heading towards the ramshackle barn that is the home of one of Primcess Twilights friends, Applejack. Using my alicorn magic, I creep inside the house, feeling very out of place. I then transport myself to the insubstantial world of dream.
Swirls of colour surround me as I visit the dreams of the Apple family. Granny Smiths are too confusing for me to grasp the concept and neither Applejack's or Applebloom's have the romantic appeal those on Hearts and Hooves day normally do. That of the only Colt in the house was very different and did show me his fantasies. They were however, rather shocking, as when I entered I found myself face to face with an imagined version of...myself. I left the dream immediately due to shock and decided not to visit any others, despite it being so early on in the night.
When I returned to the castle, my sister was awake, and very surprised to see me.
"Sister?" Celestia asked, "Why have you come back so soon? This is one of the most enjoyable nights of the year."
"Indeed it is. But I had a rather...interesting encounter within a dream and decided perhaps it was best to return."
"Did you meet yourself in this dream?" Celestia teases me, not realising she is actually correct.
"Well, yes." I say, "And in the dreams of none other than Applejack's brother."
"Goodness!" She exclaims, "Perhaps you shall be participating in the Hearts and Hooves day festivities as well."
"Perhaps..." I say.

Applejack's POV:

I had very strange dreams last night and I am just trying to recall the details when there is a loud knocking on the door.
"Who in the hay could that be?" I say to myself, opening the door and seeing none other than Princess Luna. Immediately, I now down to her then ask why she is here.
"Because I can visit others dreams." She told me, despite knowing I was aware of this, "And I found out something very surprising within your brothers."
"Ah. What was it exactly?"
"A secret love interest."
"But why would that be so important to...wait a minute. Is that love!"
"It appears so."
I start laughing. I can't help myself. It's just too funny. How could my brother have a crush on the Princess? Even believing this is hard! While still laughing, I call Big Mac into the room and watch him and Princess Luna leave the house. If they ever got together, they would be the strangest couple in all of Equestria.

Luna's POV:

"Do you know of my ability to visit other ponies dreams?" I ask Big Macintosh as we walk between the lush, green apple trees,
"Yup." He says, having never been a pony of many words,
"And many times I have discovered ponies secrets this way..." I decide to subtly hint at my knowledge,
"Yup." He agrees, starting to look a little nervous,
"And sometimes, very rarely, those secrets involve me." I say slowly. Suddenly a pink blur appears, hopping up and down in front of us, speaking at top speed.
  "Come on Princess Luna, just tell him already! You went into his dream and found out he had a crush on you and now you have to tell him that you know and I wanna know if your gonna get together!!!"
  My jaw drops open and I see Big Mac has had the same reaction.
  "Pinkie Pie?" I ask incredulously, shocked at seeing another one of Twilights friends in such an unexpected place. In a way, I am glad. She broke the tension and for once I honestly was struggling to know what to say.
"Yep!" She says before running off, leaving me and Big Mac one once again,
"You know, I reckon you'd be a rather good prince," I told him,
"Are you saying...?"
"Yes." I lean over and kiss him on the cheek, "I would happily have you as my prince."

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