I love you Yuri

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This was probably the best dream I had , a wonderful dream~! I was never able to go all the way before, makkachin would usually wake me up during the middle of it. But it's time to wake up now, to face reality and probably get scolded by Yuri.

I moved my hand to the side and feel something soft and round. Could it be makkachin? No he is furry, this feels really soft and nice. I decided to grope it until I heard slight moan. I immediately open my eyes and look to the side of me. Oh it's my beautiful Yuri~ , He looks like a angel sle~-YURI?!

I got up and rubs my eyes to take another look. I wasn't wrong and this is not a dream, meaning... last night was real! Yuri woke up from my started self and looked up at me, still tired. His voice was soft, I can tell it was from last night.
" G-Good morning Victor.."
He rubbed his swollen red eyes which was also because of me. Oh god I went all out of him too. I thought it was a dream so I didn't think it was a problem.
" Y-Yuri are you ok? "
I nervously ask him even though I know what the answer is. Yuri gives a slight nod and tries to sit up until he let out a painful grunt, I grab onto him and hold him up to my chest.
" Shit! I'm sorry Yuri! Just rest today and don't worry about the training!"
Yuri looks up at me with his messy sweaty hair and smiles. I still can't believe this isn't a dream. Why would Yuri come in the middle of the night and..

I hold onto him and give a sweet kiss on  his forehead. Yuri cupped my cheeks and give me a romantic long kiss on mine. I'm not even surprised anymore, so I kiss him back. He grabs my arms and gives me a serious look.

" I- I can be better than Chris!.. I know im knew at this but I'll get better!.. so please... could you... Choose me ?"

I just sit there confused, what did he just say ?
Was that a confession? Why is he talking about Chris..Flashbacks run through me head, remembering what happened in the dressing room. I put my hand on my hair and begin scratching.

" Yuri what you saw last night was a misunderstanding. I wasn't touching myself over Chris...It was over you."

Yuri also gave a face of confusion. I hold onto his shoulders and lean in to kiss him. But it wasn't a sweet kiss he offers, my kiss was passionate yet erotic. I look into his soft brown eyes and begin blushing ,which I never shown to Yuri.

" Meaning I have a huge crush on you...from the time at the party to right now!"

Yuri finally gets what I'm saying because his face turned flush red, he laid his face onto my chest. This only made him hear my loud heart beat from that confession I just gave.

Yuri wraps his arms around my body and holds onto me tight,just like last night. I run my fingers through his hair smiling and whispers in his red small ear.

" I love you Yuri ~"

Yuri immediately lifts his head, meeting my eye level and kisses me softly, he gives off a happy sweet smile and whispers.

" I also love you.. Victor~"

~ maybe lol I might wanna add more smutty scenes

" I want to make you mine.."Yuri and Victor Smut Where stories live. Discover now