Merry Christmas and a happy New Year everyone!
We want to thank everyone who joined this contest. I know it's quite challenging, but it's worth it!
Win or lose, just keep in mind that we all enjoyed judging your entries!
Anyway, it is time for the moment you all have been waiting for.
Title: Christmas Curse
Score: 8.4/10
There is a comma mistake or two as well as a couple of spelling mistakes. A sentence near the middle ended abruptly when it seemed as if it should have continued, which could have been fixed with a little editing. Also, the storyline was a little difficult for me to comprehend. Not only that, but the imagery was minimal. I couldn't really imagine much that was going on. Their surroundings were a blur. The context wasn't very well explained as well as any background. However, despite all this, the writing was amazing! It was very artistic and it kept me interested throughout the piece.SECOND RUNNER-UP
Title: In Unexpected Places
Score: 8.7/10Review:You had misspellings here and there, congregating with multiple punctuation errors and grammar errors. There were some moments in the story that felt kind of out of place, as well. But the writing, oh my gosh, the writing. It was really good. I felt like I was really there, except the errors scattered around the story sort of pulled me out of the moment as I was reading it. You did a great job overall, but you definitely could have done some more editing of the piece.
Title: The "Shocking" Christmas
Score: 9/10Review:
The syntax could have been altered near the beginning for a more unique effect on each sentence. There are quite a few grammar and comma mistakes. I didn't really feel the need for the flashback to be announced, as well. It was out of place, and it was breaking the fourth wall, which is fine, normally, but it was not exactly what we were looking for. You had an interesting event, however. It was a nice touch. Also, your story made me ship Alex and Kim a bit more than I did, and I sincerely enjoyed reading your one shot, as it was very entertaining. However, there was a bit of character-placement error and the imagery wasn't evident, which didn't allow me to really imagine what was going on. The author's note in the middle of it really pulled me out of the story. But overall, this is amazing for your first story.- - - GRAND WINNER - - -
Title: Merry Christmas, I guess
Score: 9.4/10
There were only one or two grammar mistakes throughout the whole piece. The setting of the cafe could have been described. The detail in the writing was amazing, and I absolutely could not refrain from squealing as I shipped them. The imagery of the city as a whole and the unique idea of a diary entry was really well thought-out. Again, I literally only found like one grammar mistake, which was amazing. I couldn't find any spelling errors, no matter how hard I searched. The second entry was a real plot twist, I must say. However, I found two comma errors. But overall, the piece was stunning, and it had my attention the whole time.

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