Chapter 2
I woke up early in the morning..earlier than the others. I sneaked up to the shower and carefully closed the bathroom door. I jumped into the shower and felt the warm water run down my back. After 30minutes I dressed up in my training clothes brushed my teeths and hurried through the door zipping up my coat. I took with e my cat. She really needed fresh air since she had been inside our room in a whole day. The girls didn't recognize me and ran down the stairs. Finally I was outside the school and decided to run towards the park. Kitty was running beside me and she was quick. It was a long jog and I had to sit on theswings catching my breath. reading a newspaper it stood with thick subtitles "Mindless Behavior is In Town". My exprission wasn't suprsed. I disliked them anyways. They were just some wannabee's who thought they were something. Those ugly bastard I thought. But I was curious and began reading more. My eyes stopped on a sentence "Mindless Behavior's Manager applied to a boarding school for boys next to "Madame Willson Boarding School" For girls. The boys said in the interview that they were excited to meet some new people."I couldn't beliee my eyes. I screamed "NOOOOOOO"..this is the ed of my life. They would destroy my life. The old dudes in the park glared at me and I swear I heard a old dude somewhere beside me saying "Fucking Black Chicks Always starting with scenes I turned around but I didn't see who it was so I shook it of and began my way to the dorms. I bursted through the door angry.
Me: Im so damn angry (yells)
Ash: Shut the hell trying to sleep..
Me: But it's early in the morning...
Andy: What do you want Biatch?
Me:You wont believe what I read in the newspaper?
Alex: What?
Me: Those fucking Low IQ Behavior
Ash: How do they dare to come to this town?
Me: It's not just that...They are coming to the school beside us and that means:
Girls except me: Meet them..NOOOO
Me: We have to take care of this
Girls: HOW?
Me: I donno,but i'll figure it out..
What are the girls going to do...Peace and love:
Sakkii<3 Enjoy ;)<3