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Somewhere, far away, there is a place. It is said that a time long ago, when magic was still hidden and prejudice raged, there was three boys and a prophecy.

Now, one could say it's but a fairy tale, but others will speak differently. Your oldest of relatives could not say, but perhaps they know a bit better, of the times where magic was bitter.

The story begins, in a rather, common way, Once Upon A Time, but it ends in a less then common way. No happy endings, not really at least.

Just a sad poem of a guard, protecting the corpse of  their soul mate.  For should they awake, the world would surely fall into disaster again.

So, The Reaper waits, and waits. As he waits he watches, and keeps all from entering. He watches you, he watches me. He sees us all, yet sees nothing. As the centuries roll by, he is tied to his post. As it will be for all eternity.

(x764 - Tiberius Freeborn, on the tale of Master of Death, Council Conference.)

Lucy hummed, beginning to see where Levi was going with this.

Said bluentte was staring at Lucy anxiously.


Lucy sat the book down. "It's a good theory Lev-chan, but The Reaper is just a tale told to children. There is no proof of him, or the story. Not even an island like that has been found."

Levi nodded. "I know but look! Think of where we were for seven years! What if something similar is set up? For seven years not even the best mages could find us. 

Lucy sighed and looked at her friend. Levy's eyes burned with determination.

"Levy...Why is this so important to you?"

Levy gave pause for a moment.

"When I was a child... My grandfather told me stories. His favorite was those of the Master of Death. He said that our family, the McGardens had a long time ago been by a different name. Centuries ago, my ancestor was supposed to be one of the heroes on the Order of the Phoenix. Teddy Lupin. "

Lucy's eyes widened.

Levy gave a small smile, " I always thought it was ridiculous. After all, who really knows? It was so long ago this was supposed to take place...Yet he always insisted that it was true. Us McGardens, we had the blood of wolves, of shape shifters, of heroes. Pappy believed it with all his heart. He also thought as such, we had a duty. To protect people. To protect the Master of Death. It was a fun game as a child, but Grand Pappy died, and reality set in.

It was a grand tale to a child, but it couldn't hold any truth. I was just me. No amazing legacy, no blood of wolves."

Levy stopped again, clenching her fist.

"Pappy endured ridicule, no one believed him. He researched and researched. He chased lies and fairy tales his whole life. He died still believing. I guess...I want that to mean something. I want to know his life's work wasn't in vain."

Lucy stared into the burning hazel eyes and grinned.

"Where do we start?"

Levy stumbled a bit.


"Luce is right!"

Jumping Levy spun to see most of the guild looking at them. Natsu was standing a few feet away, hands on his hips.

"Let's go find the Isle of Hogwarts!"

Be warned all who seek the hidden.

Trails shall make themselves known.

You shall not go forth with ease

Be it the creatures of old that will sweep away your soul

Be it the terrors of a war long ago that will haunt you

Be it the ghosts of the forgotten, to drag you into their misery

Be it the most frightening of all

Be it the Master of Death itself

Who shall protect what it has sworn to protect

It will spare none that wish to open the casket of the apocalypse

Be warned foolish venturers

For only Death will greet you

In the Isle of Hogwarts

Where the past is present

And a great evil is trapped

May your hearts be pure

Your minds be strong

And your magic be true

(Author Unknown, a poem found in x750, Isle of Hogwarts, where only the foolish will go)

Green eyes opened and stared at nothing.

He heaved a great sigh, and the chains clinked as he did.

It seems he had woken in time for trouble.

Graveyard Watch (Fairy Tail + Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now