Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

When Bianca was in the shower Aaron chose another outfit for her, he wanted her in dark blue jeans and a loose of the shoulder long sleeve black top. The top had a picture of a James Dean. He liked to see her in casual clothes, everyday she would be in one suit or another, he wanted her to feel at home. It was still cold , so she still needed to keep warm. He put her black ug boots beside the bed so she knew to wear them. Happy with his choice, he left the door unlocked so he could prepare breakfast.

Aaron opted for pancakes and ice cream with maypole syrup. He knew she had a weakness for them. He made a fresh pot of coffee and waited for her. He couldn't believe that she fought her orgasm for so long, she really didn't want to enjoy it, and Aaron was almost certain that she felt as much pain as she did the pleasure. He would definitely need to train her body into accepting his touch. Just thinking about it turned him on and his jeans were finding it hard to contain his ever growing erection.

At least the clothes were decent, Bianca thought to herself. She wore his choice of outfit and was happy when she put the woolen boots on. Comfort was never something she allowed herself. Always having to dress appropriately to work Bianca never felt human, she was more like a robot. By the time she was at home she would wear her neat matching pyjama pants and top and that was her nightware. True, Chad was constantly having a go at her for her lack of ambition in the fashion department, if she was to be casual she always dressed herself down not wanting unwanted attention...little help that did.

Bianca never enjoyed the attention from men, always very shy and very awkward around them she opted to ward them off. Never wearing anything fitting, always covering up her breast with loose tops and always covering her ass with long tops. Never overly fixing herself up was something she sought comfort it. One time she actually wore one of Michelle's dresses and a tight black fitting number, she straightened her red and blond hair and applied a little too much mascara and eyeliner, making her green eyes appear like they were highlighted.

That night Bianca received all the unwanted attention in the world. She was being asked out, felt up and given numbers by men who didn't seem like they'd ever seen a woman before. That was the night she met Chad. He always compared her to that night and didn't understand why she wouldn't dress like that when they went out. He obviously wanted a trophy girl to parade to his friends, she just wanted to be invisible. Hating the fact that he thought she might actually be sexy, she always felt guilty that maybe she had tricked Chad into staying. She was not that girl he met at the club, she only dressed like that to get her friends off her case. They always complained that she never did anything with them or their partners and they'd had enough.

Looking at her reflection, Bianca could not bring her head around at how different she looked. She actually looked like a normal twenty six year old. Nothing different, even though the jeans showed ever curve of her body, she didn't think she looked too bad. Her hair was in a ponytail still wet from her shower.

When Bianca entered the kitchen, Aaron cursed under his breath. He noticed her blush, her face almost crimson. He was flipping the pancakes and she busied herself setting the table. Not wanting to stand around and do nothing. Aaron was very happy that she was playing nice. Fuck she was a piece of work. Once breakfast was ready they ate in silence. He watched her drink her coffee, She seem so lost in thought. "I was thinking we could take a walk after breakfast, get some fresh air before it gets too cold. Would you like that?" Her reply was a shy nod "Bianca verbal response please"

"Yes, I would like that" she obviously didn't like to be spoken to like she was a child, still he was happy that she was obeying. He wanted to test her today see how far she was willing to go to escape. He was genuinely surprised when she cleared the table and did the dishes, he watched her for a while before deciding to dry up. It was a cosy picture, yet he refused to believe it was true...not yet anyway.

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