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Nothing about the model's routine had changed much for the indoor photoshoot. Adrien knew he would have to suffer wearing a Christmas sweater with the lights in his face, and he would have to guess which wrapped props to try and not break or step and sit on.

There was a new photographer, the blonde noticed as he looked through the list of ideas. A minute later, his father had call everyone's attention.

"This is the new photographer I hired for Adrien's photoshoot today." Gabriel introduced the man. The man was tall, slick back black hair with a beard. "He's one of Paris' best right now, so please let him do his work. I will be in my office if there is any concerns." With that, Gabriel excused himself out of the room.

Adrien watched his father leave, without given an introduction to the photographer.

"You must be the boy Gabriel was talking about." Said the man, catching Adrien's attention.

Adrien looked up at him and nodded. He held out his hand for him to shake. "Adrien. It's nice to meet you and an honor to work with you."

The photographer shook his hand and turned to everyone else in the room. "You will go by my instruction today for this shoot to be perfect. The reason why I'm the best is because everyone follows my instruction to the littlest detail. You won't like it if I find one mistake."

This photoshoot couldn't have made Adrien and the others feel as miserable as they were while working for this guy. The photographer started being rude to the ones giving instructions to Adrien for poses. Then he began to be rude to the designers for the lose thread from the sweater Adrien wore for 20 minutes. He was overall bossy to everyone. As much Adrien didn't like makeup, the photographer told them that the makeup wasn't right and made them clean it all from the model's face.

Adrien wanted to complain to his father about the photographer, but he hasn't done anything to him. Yet.

"Agreste!" the photographer called. "What is the meaning for all these pictures?" he asked, clicking the buttons on his camera.

"What do you mean?" Adrien tuned in his chair to face him. "They are just pictures."

"Just pictures?!" the photographer snapped. "You weren't relaxed in this shot. Then you were cross-eyed in this shot as if you were about to sneeze. Honestly, how can anyone work with a child like you?"

The room fell silent around Adrien. He was used to being told to act better by photographers, but to feel belittled by the photographer who flat out said he's a useless model to work for.

"L-Look, I'm just doing my job. I've been modeling for years for my father and- "

"I don't need your excuses, boy." The photographer glared. "If you've been modeling in this company for years, then you would know what perfection is."


"Thank you! Have good day!" Marinette smiles at the customer as he leaves. Her attempt to keep a smiling face had been going on for two hours now. She tried to think of the positive to come up with ideas for what to make for Adrien next.

When Marinette counted the inventory, she noticed how low in stock they were for the holiday cake they had left to sell before her family closes the bakery for the night. If all of these are sold in the next couple hours, I will have some angry last minute shoppers on me.

She was alone in the café after her parents had to go out for some shopping. Nothing usually goes wrong when she's alone, to which she normally uses the time working on homework in the bakery. Tonight she was promised extra allowance for the holiday to buy any sewing materials needed to be replaced. So far, she was doing a great job.

Marinette heard the bell on the door rang, making her look up. "Welcome!" she smiled.

The stranger looked around the café, then at the Ladybug and Chat Noir box thoroughly. "May I help you?" he heard Marinette ask. He ignored her at first, but he turned to her to ask for a holiday cake.

Marinette nodded and turned to put a cake in a box. She was about to put it in a bag when she heard the door swing open and running footsteps go out the door. When she turned to look at the door, the box on display had disappeared.

"No, no, no, no!!" she panicked and ran around the counter and out the door without her coat. She followed the stranger carrying the box down the street until she couldn't see him due to the snow.

Marinette stopped to catch her breath and shivered. "H-He got away with the money..." she sighed, giving up on retrieving the contents. "I can't believe that just happened."


The girl looked up to find her parents walking towards her with their shopping bags. "What are you doing out here without a coat?" Tom asked." Did something happen at the bakery?"

She rubbed her hand on her arms shyly. "Someone took the box from the Ladybug and Chat Noir display. The money we were going to donate was stolen and I couldn't catch him without getting lost."

"Oh Marinette." Sabine hugged her daughter to comfort her. "We will call the police. Maybe they will find the guy or Ladybug will." She said.

Marinette hugged her mother tightly. "He's probably too far gone. I'll replace the money with my earnings from today's shift." She said sadly.

I don't need the new sewing materials tonight.

A Gift For MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now