Chapter 10

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The sound of panic raced through my mind, "please no stop" his scream filled with fear. The heat of blue flames burned his skin as Crimson blood flowed elegantly down his face. I heard the sound of my heart racing, his screams of pain are endless. "Come now, we have to go home" a voice spoke as a twisted hand reached out of the shadows. Looking around a familiar place I once knew now a place stained with fear, anger, and blood.
Darkness crept into my vision like a disease, and now there's nothing but the sound of a racing heart.

I was awakened by Ezra screaming at me to hold on, he seemed to be panicked. I did what was asked and he sharply turned right "Ezra what's going on," I said with a quiver in my voice "we were spotted" his tone sent shivers down my spine. A sense of fear crawled into my skin and my grip became tighter. Ezra was flying fast the force of the wind hurt my eyes and made them water.

Trying to shield my eyes I looked back, an unfamiliar entity followed picking up its pace. "EZRA SOMEONE'S BEHIND US" I warned. Ezra looked back and I felt his body heat up this was not a friendly stranger.

"Flatten your body up against mine" he commanded "why?" I asked, "JUST DO IT!" He asserted. I flattened my body as best as I could still looking back at the predator behind us. Ezra's wings closed flat against his body as we dive bomb down, the winds force from the dive almost made my skin feel like it was burning.

We were getting close to the ground now to close comfort "I'm gonna rip you the fuck apart!" the man said with wild laughter following the threat.
"Ezra" I quietly whimpered "it's alright lamb" he cooed trying to calm my fear.

Just as our threat came to almost catching us Ezra opened his wings and flew up, the suddenness from his maneuver surprised the man cause him to spin out of control. I chirped with joy and hugged Ezra tight, looking back I saw the man impaled on a branch of a tree.

We saw Tiertelth and the rest of the clan flying way above, I started off into the moonlight sure of being in the clear now. I felt something wasn't quite right though, I sat up and began to look around.

The feeling of alarm struck my body as I and Ezra were sideswiped by I'm guessing by the mate of the one impaled, it sent me flying off Ezra's back. We tried to reach for each other when Ezra was violently attacked getting bit and scratched, His blood flying everywhere.

The feeling of hopelessness drowned my body as I watch my mate getting ripped up by the angry she-devil.
"Do something" the voice in my head spoke "like what, you're useless you can't fight" "yes you can believe in yourself, Anna!"

The feeling a fire filled my stomach as I spread my wings and with full power a flew towards Ezra. "LET HIM GO" a battle cry like scream came from my throat. I grabbed women and threw her off Ezra sending her flying, she shook it off and came to deliver another attack. I quickly dodge it and with my sharp knife like claws I sliced down her back sending her into a screaming fit of pain. "YOU BITCH" venom escaped her lip as she lunged towards me, leaving a huge gouge across my stomach.

The pain seared my core and I let out a yelp. she tried to take another swing, but I had enough of her and listening to her high pitched screams and I wrapped arms and wings around her and bit her throat out. Blood pour all over me and her I let her go and her body plummeted to the earth at high speed.

I looked up and saw Ezra, his face full of shock. I flew over and check his wounds, they were deep but he would live. I felt a burn on my abdomen, I lifted my shirt to check my stomach to see how bad the wound was when I noticed... Blue Flames.

I looked at Jayy and he didn't have them covering his body, they were... on me? I looked at Jayy panicked and he just smiled. "Your a true demon my lamb" he kissed me softly.

Cheering came from above, I giggled and looked up. Everyone flames shine brightly in the sky, I looked back at Ezra and smiled, he sighed and went full demon as those beautiful blue flames that matched mine crept up his body.

"What do you say lamb wanna join them?" I nodded and we headed upward "race ya" I giggled pushing Ezra's face away. I got a pretty good head start before Ezra came up and scooped me into his arms before throwing me high into the night sky. I didn't open my wings and landed right back into his arms.

We did spins and loops, it was like dancing in the sky. It was like magic to me our flames dancing together. "okay you two enough being cute get up here!" Dack shouted at us, Ezra gave me a kiss and looked at me with loving eyes before say... " race ya" "WHAT!?!" I screeched.

Following him towards everyone, getting there and feeling there loving embrace. A few months ago my life was completely different, I miss it from time to time. But I wouldn't give this up for the world, this my family, this is my world and I love every bit of it. I never wanna go back.

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