Chapter 1

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            This story begins on the first day of the freshman year of high school. Most people would be scared, but me, as a dare devil could never be more excited. I would be able to see all my friends again! Even though Melissa would be back, and probably meaner than ever, I am so happy for this day.

  I went to my dresser and saw my hair. It was so long. I took my brush that Hailey got me at the mall last week, and worked on my hair. I brushed it and brushed it and brushed it and brushed it. It took almost 45 minutes to get all the tangles out.

I went to my closet and picked out a navy blue flowery skirt with beautiful pink roses painted on it. I picked out a pink matching tank top to match the flowers and a thin white sweater over the tank top. I went downstairs and ate my breakfast; consisting of eggs and pancakes. My favorite.

  After brushing my teeth, I slipped on my brown sandals and put on my purple messenger bag heavy with supplies I needed for school. It had 4 notebooks for my core classes, my pencil bag full of pens, highlighters, pencils, and my favorite purple pen.

I screamed for my senior brother, Jacob, to take me to school in his car because unfortunately, I was too young to drive.

 Jacob and I walked through the garage and I plopped down in the passenger seat of his convertible. I anxiously awaited the whole way to school, excited for this amazing day. I told Jacob bye, and started walking to high school.

  As soon as I got to school, I spotted Hailey, talking to Jenna. Probably gossiping, I thought. Jenna is the biggest gossip in the freshman year.

   “Hey Emma!” she excitedly waved her hand.

 “Hey”, I said, “Excited for our first day?"

  “Well, I’m scared, but I know you are excited you little dare devil.”

 Jenna looked very bored, trying to secretly sneak away, but we both could see her. We let her go anyway.

 “Yes! I am really excited for school to start so I can see all my friends again.” I sighed, taking in the school grounds. “I am even ready for drama, because Melissa is more entertaining than a summer at home. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  “Yes!” Hailey laughed, or snorted mostly, but that’s one reason why I love her as a friend. “I have been cooped up  so long I don’t care what happens!” I smiled at my crazy friend but suddenly stopped.

 The most beautiful boy in my entire life is looking at me. He was gorgeous. With sandy long blonde locks, and a grey shirt on. He smiled at me, and my heart stopped. I smiled back, very timidly and Hailey finally realized I stopped talking. She followed my gaze.

 “Oh my gosh, Emma?”

 I was frozen. I could not stop staring. Hailey finally pulled me away.

 “What’s wrong with you and him?”

 “I…I...” I swallowed. ”I just saw the most beautiful boy in my life. Do you know him?”

 “Yeah, that’s Cris Knight. He was on my swim team.”

 Swim team?!? I am joining swim team next year! No wonder he’s so built!  Swimmers have the most gorgeous bodies in the world.

 “How…How does he look in swim trunks?”

 “Pretty dang hot, if I do say so myself. Do you like him? He’s really sweet.”


 Hailey snort-laughed. “OH my goodness, Emma is in love.”

 “Stop it! Let’s just go. I want to see who’s in my classes.”

 As if on que, the bell rang. Everybody scrambled off to class, including us. Lucky for us, we had the same homeroom, Hailey and I. We sat down as our homeroom teacher told us to be quiet and please take our locker number combinations.

 Hailey sat right behind me, so it was very easy to pass notes. Unfortunately, Cris wasn’t in this class. After everyone collected their locker slips, we all walked to the hallway to see that the other classes were out there too. I saw Cris. He was so hot.

 We were told to go find our lockers, when Hailey and I sadly realized our lockers were far apart. But, sadness turned into a rainbow when I saw a grey shirt walking my way.

 Cris had locker 503. I had locker 504. I about threw up ponies.

 Cris looked happy too, smiling and saying “hey”.

 If the bell hadn’t sounded at that point, I swear I might have fainted. But, I had social studies to get to, and I had books to get. I left, grateful that I had found an amazing boy who has the locker next to mine.

 I kept on walking to Social studies when Melissa appeared. She saw me, stuck her nose in the air, and left with her little posse. I didn’t care. As long as she ignored me, I ignored her. Fine by me.

 The rest of the day was filled with the boring beginning of school classes, old friend hugs, and smiles by Cris. I loved Cris. I could not stop thinking about him. Hailey and I sat in a booth 6th period for lunch. We were all by ourselves talking about our classes when Cris plopped down in the seat next to me. His minty breath danced through the air as he said hey.

 “Hi!” I said, so excited this kid was sitting next to me.

 His friend slid by Hailey. He introduced himself as Nick, and he was really cute too. Hailey seemed interested. I shot up my eye brows as if to ask, in which she gave me the thumbs up. It was perfect. Hailey and Nick, me and Cris.

 We chatted the whole time, and while I was eating, Cris playfully tipped my water back, splashing it on my cheek. He took a napkin and wiped it off. I was in heaven. I really had a great time.

 At one point Cris put his hand on top of mine. Neither of us moved.

 I could not believe I was this lucky. When he touched my hand, I felt a sensation ring through my body. The sensation never died.

  I finally had to put my tray up. Even though I had to remove my arm from his, I did. We both went to the trash cans, and that’s when it happened.

 Cris Knight asked me out.

 Of course, I excitedly said yes. I was so happy; I thought I was going to explode. I had this warm feeling inside that filled me like I was completely full with happiness (and food).

 Then, as if he hadn’t done enough he gave me his number. I laughed, as if this was all a big dream. I seriously felt like the luckiest girl in the world. It all ended too fast. Hailey and Nick seemed to hit it off too.

 As soon as lunch was over, Hailey and I were squealing with excitement. We were so excited that we both had dates with the boy of our dreams! I loved high school so far.

 After the last 3 boring periods, Hailey and I rode the bus home to her house as we texted the boys. We were going on a double date to this cute little golf course for dinner tomorrow. Hailey and I talked about the boys, who we had met today, being your average high school girls. I came home that night after being dropped off from Hailey’s sister, and went inside our house after I took my shower, I hopped into bed, anticipating tomorrow. I felt extremely lucky to be Emma Fitzgerald.

Hey! So, I know it’s kind of cliché right know, but it gets more serious as it goes along. I am trying to be very detailed in this book, and I hope you all enjoy it! Please Vote and comment!!!!! I wanna be famous!! Check out the cast list-> I am not sure about Cris being played by the Beibs or the whole Demi Lovato thing, but please tell me who you think they should be played by! Hope yall enjoy!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2012 ⏰

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