Entry 2

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It was around 6 pm in the evening. 

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She chatted first. 

I'm damn busy but I managed to reply. 

She got a problem. I don't know what got into my mind that I stopped everything I'm doing and focused my attention on her.

"Got a problem? I'll listen"

"Lots of problems, Newt."  "Can you pretend to be him?"

"Sure. If it's what I can do to help"

She shouted at me from the bottom of her lungs about how she hates her boyfriend. They've been together for 8 months. In those 8 months, she has been hiding what she truly feels. She has been hiding her pain. He did not take care of her. He didn't treat her the way she deserves to be treated. 


I'm not the kind of guy that knows how to console people but deep in my heart I felt her fragility. The feeling that I want to take care of her. I want to make her happy. I want to make her smile everyday like it's my job. I want to take care of her heart and mend back the broken pieces together. 

After she released all of her hatred for him, she hugged me. She hugged me like she needed it so bad. It was the most important privilege I had in my life and I'm not gonna let it slip away. I hugged her back. I want to make her feel safe in my arms. In this, our first conversation, I fell in love and we became friends.

"I'm hungry" 

"I know the perfect place for the 'patay gutoms' like you, Newt." she pulled my shirt 

"Hey! Not my shirt! Ever learned how to use 'hands'?" I took her hand from my shirt and held it tight. I smiled at her hoping that it will somehow calm her soul.

"O-okay." she smiled and it was the cutest smile I want to see everyday in her.

We went and ate street foods. Cheap but meaningful when with someone special. She smiled again and again and again. Never would I get full by the sight of it. We went to her home. Our laughs echoing across the mellow streets. I enjoy her company a lot. 

"Can I sleep at your place?"

"Sure. I'll sleep in the couch and you'll sleep on the bed" 

"No way. I'll be the one to sleep in the couch" 

"No! You're my visitor. I want you to sleep on the bed" 

"I want you to sleep in your bed neglect me being your visitor but because I'm a man."

"Fine. Fine. Whatever you say."

The night ended 

and I wished her goodnight

What a day spent with her

The most beautiful sight.

Aaand I'm IN LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now