"I can be your whore.

I am the tide you created.

I am the sinner, I am your whore.

But let me tell you something baby.

You love me for everything you hate me for.

I am the tide you created. I am your sinner.

I am your whore. But let me tell you something baby.


"Okay, that's enough," I mumble getting up and walking over to my iHome to turn it off.

Sometimes that song can be a bit much to wake up to. Ugh. I plop back down onto my bed, putting my hands behind my head and looking up at my lyric covered ceiling. Today is Monday. Great. To make it even worse, it's the first day we go back to school from our two week break. I may like school, get straight A's, but I absolutely hate the people there. Oh whale. I'll get through it as long as I have Bring Me The Horizon.

My name is Kysa. Alice Kysa to be exact. Yes. I am aware that my last name is totally so much better than my first name. Anywhore, I'm 16, medium brownish blonde hair dyed pink with green tips, 5'3, weigh about 98 pounds. I live in Dallas, Texas. Bummer right? Whale, the good thing is that every year there's Warped Tour to look forward to. I'm a socially awkward, depressed, pastel / neon, band obsessed freak and I am not afraid to say it.

"Alice, get up or you're going to be late!"

"Alright! Alright," I yell back, in an exaggerating voice. That was my mum. She's single, has been ever since my dad cheated on her with some skank he met at the Midnight Club downtown 7 years ago. He even had the nerves to come home with her and tell my mum, to her face, that she wasn't enough for him. I wasn't home at the time, I was with my brother, but I got an earful of it once I got home. She just broke down, crying to my brother and telling him everything. Oh whale.

Sighing, I start to get up and walk over to my closet. I open my closet door preparing for attack.

"MEWWWW," falling onto my butt and catching him, I hug him tight and scratch his cute little ear.

"You never fail to impress me, Mr. Meow Meow." He purrs, snuggling deeper into my arms. I'll never understand how he gets in there every single night.

"Alice. Dear God so help me, if you don't get your ass up right now and get in the car, i will drag you there, through the snow on your ass and let everyone laugh at you saying you peed your pants this morning."

Yup, that's my mum for ya. Mr. Meow Meow pops his head up from under my arms and darts out of the room as soon as his eyes land on the beast.

"Mum. Calm yourself, kay." I look back at her and try to keep a straight face. Of course, I fail as she makes a ridiculous wink my way.

Still laughing, I jump up and search my closet for my Of Mice & Men leggings and my galaxy 'STAY METAL AYE' pullover. Basically my closet consists of band shirts, band leggings, band tanks, band sweaters, band pullovers, band jeans, and even band shoes. I told you, i'm obsessed with music. From Dark Tranquility to Ghost Town, music is the shit.

Skimming through all my hanging shirts I see my Marilyn Mansion tank, the one with Brian and his beautifully edited makeup face that I so much adore. Grabbing it and my 'STAY METAL AYE' pullover, I turn to mum.

"Psssttt hey you. Should I do dis," I point the hand holding the MM tank to my leather jacket on the floor, "with dis? Or maybe," I point the hand holding the galaxy pullover to the black tights on my bed beside my mum, who is currently sitting on my bed looking at my latest edit of Sleepwalking by BMTH like she owns the damn place, "Dis wid dis and my galaxy creepers?"

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