"So, what do you plan on doing this afternoon bb?"

"I'm not sure, bae. I think I might just go home and say goodbye to mum. She has to leave out for Tokyo at seven. This time she will be gone for like 3 weeks." I answer Fraser as we walk out of the high school's entry doors and into the freezing cold winter air. I quickly put my bag down and put on BVB Army hoodie.

"Alrighty, then. I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning."

Walking towards the parking lot, I tell Fraser my goodbyes and call my mum to come pick me up. I can drive. Of course I can, what Junior can't drive? The only thing is that my brothers old truck is currently getting a lift in the shop at the moment. I only have one brother, Erik. He goes to the local college, but doesn't live with me and mum. He'd rather live on his own, so he can throw parties and be the 'big shot' nineteen year old in college. He's already bought another truck, gave me his old one about a year ago before he left to be on his own, but he has "sentimental values", as he told me, with his old one. So that's why it's in the shop and I am currently stuck out in the cold sitting on the curb waiting for my mum to pick up her phone.

I know what you're thinking, why didn't I just catch a ride with Fraser? Whale, that's because Fraser works at the Starr Babez bar downtown after school everyday. The Starr Babez bar isn't your everyday usual bar, only Gaybies and Trannies are allowed to go inside. They have a show every night at 8:00, Fraser helps the guys, or shall I say girls, pick out their costumes. He also does the makeup and hair for them.

Mum finally answered on the fourth ring. "Hey, honey, what's up?"

"Uhm, I need you to pick my up because the truck is still in the shop, remember?"

There was a pause on the other end of the phone before she answered in a huff. "Oh shit."

"You forgot, didn't you?"

"Hun, I'm at DFW about to get on the plane."

I fell backwards, laying in the cold snow on the ground. "You have got to be kidding me. Mum seriously. How can you forget that your own daughter has no way to get home on the one day that the only transportation she can use is in a shop. Mum, really. I could get kidnapped right now, and you wouldn't be here to save me. God forbid Fraser trying to save me, if they had abs, we all know he would just tell them to change their mind and 'look into more funner' options."

"Okay, okay, okay. Alice you have got to calm down, and plus you need to stop talking about Fraser that way. I'm sure he wouldn't do something like that."

"You'd be surprised."

"Honey, I'm sorry but you are going to have to walk home. My flight just arrived and they are about to call us up to board. The house is only about 10 miles away. You can manage."

My jaw dropped and I sat back up quickly. "Mother. 10 miles is not something I can just manage to do everyday, okay. Do you know how far that is t-"

"Alice, I have to go now. 10 miles is not that far, just get home and text me when you get there. You should have your key. if not I left the front middle window open. Oh and Tracy cooked some fretichine before I left, so just get it out of the refridgerator and heat it up. I love you honey, just don't get arrested, raped, murdered, or kidnapped for 3 weeks."

Before I was able to say anything, she hung up. Wow. Just leave it up to my mum to say a wonderful goodbye at my funeral.

I stood up, pulled my earphones from my pocket and plugged them into my phone. Opening up my Music, I hit the shuffle button, readjusted my bag onto my shoulder, and began walking my 10 mile journey.

"You're so sickoooo

Narcissistic Canniballllll

Gottah bring myself back from that dead."

Singing along to Narcissistic Cannibal by Korn, I was already about six or seven miles away from the school. I had been walking through our neighborhood for the past 5 minutes, looking at all the large houses with big painted gates and snow covered flowers. I never really liked our neighborhood, but it was nice and clean unlike the many other ones around our town. A few minutes more of walking and I stood in front of a nice two story light bricked house with a huge black, spiked ontop, gate in front of it. There was snow covering the roof and the whole yard making the house look even more sculpted and designed than it already was.

I pressed the intercom button on the pole standing beside the curb.

"Alice Kysa." I said as the screen came on.

"Please state a code."



The gates began to open as I walked towards them on the short concrete drive way.

I sighed, stepping up onto the porch and taking my phone out. I peeled back the case cover to reveal my house key. Smart, amirit? I know, I know. You don't have to tell me how smart I am. I unlocked the door and stepped in, slipping off my wet snowy shoes.

"Home sweet home. Hey, Tracey? Are you still here?" I started to walk towards the dinning room as I heard almost a second later,

"Yes ma'am. I'm in the kitchen."

"Any left overs?" I said walking through the spring open kitchen door, watching as a woan about 50 was already stirring fresh noodles in a new batch of chicken sauce.

"Yes, ma'am. Of course, and I just got done with a fresh serving of sauce. How was your day, Miss Alice?"

"Perfect, besides the fact that there's a new guy with a used to be mohawk." I said taking the plate from her and going over to the kitchen table to sit.

Tracey came over to the table and leaned against the chair at the far end, placing down her cleaning towel. "That must be great. He's different, you always complain about how there's no one different or that there is no one willing to stand out in the crowd."

Twirling my fork in the noodles, I managed to mumble, "He's mean."

"How so?"

"I saw Maci and him talking to each other in the hallway while I was walking to photography. Even you know how Maci acts. She was surely only speaking to him because she wants the D. No exceptions other than that."

"Okay, okay Miss Alice. Maybe you should give him a chance. He might be worth it."

"I'll think about it, I guess." She walked out of the kitchen side door on her way to clean my mums mess in the bathroom while I finished off my fettuccine.

Once Tracey had left to go home, I went up stairs and plugged my iPod into the sound system in my room.





I sprawled out on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I can't help but think when it comes to days like these. I over think all of the time, but when no one is at the house, it's like my demons come out and attack my brain.

Maybe mum always goes away because she really doesn't like me. She's a good actor, she could pull off and "I love you" every once in a while. She only comes home for about three or five days if I'm lucky before she has to ''go on a work trip'' again.

Dad left because of me.

I sigh and close my eyes, drifting off into nightmare of zombies attacking a unicorn army.

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