chapter 2 ★

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Chapter 2:

I woke up the next day excited and anxious. I checked the time. 10:30 in the morning. I have an hour and a half to have breakfast, shower and get ready. I go downstairs and get a plate and eating the breakfast my mom left for me. She put a note saying go have fun on my trip and that to call her when we get to the first concert. I put the plate in the sink and jog up the stairs and into the bathroom. I quickly shower and walk out entering my room. I get dressed in light blue high-waisted shorts and a white crop top with a sweater over top. I put on light makeup and my hair in a ponytail. By the time I'm done It's 11:57 so I have three minutes to wait. I hear a knock on the door and I jump up excited and grab my suitcase opening the door after. I put my phone in my pocket and the man at the door is dressed in a suit.

"Hello Miss Adams, may I take your bags?" He asks.

"Hello! and yes you may" I reply.

"You may get on the bus and introduce yourself to the boys" he explains and I nod opening the door to the bus.

I walk in and see one direction playing X-box.

"Uh hi I'm samantha but you can call me sam" I say and all the boys heads snap up.

"Oh hello I'm liam" liam tells me getting up and hugging me.

"Hi". Next harry comes and hugs me introducing himself. The rest come and hugs me and then niall does. He kisses my cheek which makes me blush and says

"Hello beautiful".

"Hi!" I squeak out. Yeah, I may have a thing for niall now.

I sit down on one of the long black couches beside harry and zayn. We talk about where we're going next which is London. I have always wanted to go there so I'm ecstatic. The boys say their hungry so when we're at our stop for the day niall decides to get some Nandos.

"Hey sam do you want to come with me?" He asks.

"Yeah let's go" I agree getting up and walking to the door. Niall jumps out first and then puts his hands on my waist and spinning me around making me laugh and putting my feet on the ground.

"So, are you excited?" Niall asks looking at me. We walk across the street and onto the sidewalk. We aren't in London we're just in a random city just for tonight then will drive again in the morning.

"Yeah really, I've always wanted to go to London" I explain.

"Cool, oh here we are" he says opening the door to the restaurant. I walk in and he follows. He orders mine and the rest of the boys food and pays. All we have to do is wait for it to be done.

"Hey can I give you a nickname?" Niall suddenly asks.

"Uh sure" I say confused.

"I'm going to call you princess, is that cool?" He asks.

"Yeah, I love it" I say and he smiles.

Awww Princess!, what do you guys think? Please comment and tell me!


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