What happened?

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(Picture of Byran)
2 Hours and 45Mins Later
Lily:"What the fuck!!!"😡😡😡😡😡😡
Mia&Ava:"They're dead!!!😡😡😡😡
Jen:"Why didn't you tell us sooner."
Ava:"Yea we would have got you out of that horrible situation."
Athena:"Thanks guys."
Lily:"Hey thats what friends are for."
I quickly turn my phone on seeing there is 1 missed call 45 seconds ago from Byran. As I was about to call him back my phone goes off. I turn it around to show the girls and they look pissed off so I tell them to calm down. Each one of them take a deep breath and let's it out. I answer my phone immediately as if my life depends on it which it does.
Byran:"Athena were are you?"
Athena:"I'm with the girls at the Ice Cream Shop."
Byran:"Good I'm gonna keep checking up on you."
Lily Whispering:"Is that the shit face😡😡😡😡."
Athena:"Yea okay Byran."
Byran:"I'm glad your keeping it to ur self.
(Fyi Byran is talking bout the bruises and marks on her.)
You didn't go telling you're stupid ass friends anything right??!!!?😡😡"
Athena Whispers:"Yes Byran."
Mia softly whispering:" Ask him if you could spend a couple of nights at Lily house because her mom's needs help planning the baby shower."
Ava:"Great idea Mia."
Mia:"Thanks sis."
( Fyi all the girls are whispering to each other to make sure Byran doesn't hear what they are saying about him.)
Byran:"Where are your friends?"
Athena:"Jen&Mia is in the bathroom, Lily&Ava are getting more ice cream."
Byran:"Good now hurry up and get your fat ass home!!"
I pull my phone away from my ear and fake a whimper.
Athena:"Byran would it be alright if I stay at Lily for a couple of days?"
Byran:"Ugghhhh!!!! You annoying ass slut no the answer is no!!!!!!"
Athena:But Mary needs my help preparing for the babies."
Byran:"Bring you're ass home right the fuck now!!"
Tears quickly roll out of my eyes as I tried to keep myself from letting my friends know. I guess Byran hears me crying cuz he says.
Byran:"Get home by 6:45pm if you're gonna go to her house."
Athena:"Alright.....thanks Byran."
He hangs up the phone and I get up to go to the bathroom as I'm passing by my friends who are talking to some guys. I get the feeling someone is watching me. I turn my head to see a beautiful guy with jet black hair and ocean blue eyes.
(Alice:"OMG!!!!!!😮😍😍😍 He absolutely gorgeous.")
I quickly remember that I still have tears running down my face and I run into the ladies restroom.
Andrew P.O.V
My friends and I quickly run to the car wanna to get away from my pregnant baby sister. My 4 best guy friends who are awesome. Oh yea well let me introduce myself I'm Andrew Ryder Alex Jones. My friends names are

1-Daemon Jack Cross. (He's the badass in our group. He really doesn't care about anybody besides his family and friends. He's the first born son but since he always partying late at night. I can't make him my beta because he doesn't come to any of the pack meetings.

2-Jonathan "a.k.a John or Johnny for short" Eric Cross (he's my beta, second in command of my pack.He's also the second oldest brother in the Cross Family.)

3-Adam Brad Cross ( he's the careful, loving, caring and friendly one he's the third oldest out of his brothers.)

4-Travis Mark Cross (he's my stupid crazy daredevil friend in the group. He's also John, Adam and Daemon younger brother.)

When we get to the Ice Cream Shop. I smell the amazing scent of villain and strawberries. I see a beautiful girl sitting at a table while her friends some go and get some ice cream. We get a table for the five of us but I can't stop looking at her. From the top of her head to bottom of her feet.
(Derek:"Oh damn she beautiful.")
(Andrew:"Damn it she crying.")
(Derek:"Why is she crying?")
Andrew:"I don't know but we're gonna find out one way or another.")
Travis:"Hey Drew you okay?"
Drew:"Um...no not really."
Adam:"What's wrong man."
Daemon:"See something you like?"
Drew:"Something like that."
Lily:"Gasped, Cousin is that you?"
I smile as I see my crazy little cousin Lily. I see a girl with her but I really wanna know who that other girl was.
Lily:"Hey you okay (cuz short for cousin) I'm worried about you😟 ?"
Adam:"No he's not okay."
Lily:"What?, what's wrong?"
Daemon:"He was staring at some hot girl sitting at that table with those beautiful girls over there.
Daemon points to the table where that sexy little thing was at.
Lily:"OMG!!!! Don't talk about my friends like that Daemon!!"
Daemon:"Damn sorry babe."
Adam:"Wait what you guys are a thing."
Lily:"Um...yea he's my mate."
Travis:"Bullshit!!!, What happened to Brittany, Jessica, Leah and Rachael?"
Lily:"Who the fuck are they talking about?😡😡😡"
Lily turns around and hit Daemon in his chest.Daemon starts apologising about the lie he been telling us and that he didn't want me knowing that they are each other mates. I block them out. I walk over to the table I saw that beautiful girl at.
Lily:"Drew why are you talking to my friends!!!"
Mia&Ava:"Who are you?"
Drew:"I'm Lily cousin."
Jen:"Okay...why are you over here then?"
Lily:"Andrew leave my friends alone."
Drew:"Who is the girl that was crying?"
Lily:"Oh, the girl you're talking about is our friend Athena."
Drew:"Damn she beautiful.
Athena P.O.V
Once I finish crying my eyes out I wash my face so no one will notice I was crying.
Jen:"Why were you crying Athena?"
Athena:"Huh?" "It's nothing don't worry about it."
Mia:"You don't cry for nothing!?!"
I instantly flinch thinking that one of them is gonna hit me. I wait about 2 mins and open my eyes looking up at my friends seeing them have tears in their eyes makes me start crying again.
Athena:"I-I-I'm sorry guys it's a natural reflexs.
Mia:"Oh my god how long has he been doing this to you?"
Athena:"Um....a little while after he find out we were mates."
Jen:"Oh hell no you're not going back there anymore!!!" "He's gonna pay for treating you this way."
Athena:"No it's fine I need to go."
Mia:"Is there anything else you're not telling us Athena?"
Athena:"Um....well..you.see the um..things is I'm pregnant."
As soon as Jenna and Mia screams Lily,Ava and the same guys from before comes into the bathroom wondering what's wrong.
Ava:"Did I hear you right sis?"
Lily:"What are you guys talking about?"
Mia,Ava&Jen:"Athena pregnant with Byran baby."
Lily,Drew,Daemon.Adam and Travis:"What the fuck.
Drew P.O.V
When I found that this beautiful girl mate is abusing her and she is pregnant I flipped out wanting to find the sick bastard and skin him alive for hurting someone as beautiful as her killed me on the inside.
Athena P.O.V
When I told Jen and Mia about my pregnancy with Byran baby. I totally forgot that Ava can hear everything we're saying.Ava,Lily and the same guys from before run into the girls bathroom.
As soon as Jenna and Mia screams Lily,Ava and the same guys from before comes into the bathroom wondering what's wrong.
Ava:"Did I hear you right sis?"
Lily:"What are you guys talking about?"
Mia,Ava&Jen:"Athena pregnant with Byran baby."
Lily,Drew,Daemon.Adam and Travis:"What the fuck."
We get out of the girls bathroom and go to our table. I tell everybody about what been happening to me. I also tell them about Byran having sex with Rebecca and Amber.
Lily:"What the fuck?!?!😡😡😡
Mia&Ava:"I can't believe this." "They're both hoes and sluts for doing that!!"😡😡
Athena:"Well guys what should I do?"
Jen:"Leave his stupid ass you deserve better than this."
Lily:"Yea, I mean come on look my cousin."
Athena:"I know I'm looking at him."
Drew:"Athena do you want something to drink."
Athena:"Yea sure can u get me a bottle of water?"
Drew gets up and gets me a bottle of water. As he hands over the bottle our hands connected for a second. I instantly feel warm heat rush up inside my body.
We stare at each other for a couple of minutes when Byran cames out of nowhere and grabs me by my hair dragging me out of the Shop. I hear my friends calling my name. I look up to see his foot coming straight at my face. He kicks and punches me repeatedly as he always does when he's angry or needs to take his angry out on someone. I block my stomach as best as I can to insure that he doesn't kill my baby. After I think his fifth punch I start to black out but he punches me in the face again and then kicking my back as he's says the words I been waiting for.
Byran:"I fucking hate you!!!"😡😡"You're worthless disgusting whore!!!!" "I Byran Tyler Jackson reject you Athena Allison Marie Wilson!!!"
I turn around and laugh at him then I say.
Athena:" I Athena Allison Marie Wilson accept you're rejection!!!!"😊😊 Have fun with you're miserable life."
He kicks me in the face a couple of more times before I passed out.
2 Weeks Later
I slowly open my eyes to see a white ceiling. My head was throbbing very badly. I slowly tried keyword "tired" to turn my head but I heard something cracks. I whimper as my vision gets blurry and tears start forming in my eyes. I see something from the corner of my eye.
Jennifer/Athena Mom:"Sweetheart you're awake."
Greg/Athena Dad:" I'm gonna kill that son of bitch for doing this to you."
Jade/Athena older sister:"Why didn't you tell us Athena."
Andy/Athena older brother:"You need to speak up more, stop holding everything you want to say inside."
Athena:"I'm sorry I though he changed and he said he wasn't gonna done it again.
Jade:" You haven't realize he was lying."
Jennifer:"Jade!!😡" "Leave your sister alone!!"
Julie:"Oh come on mom she should have know that he was lying!!!" "It's not my fault she fucking stupid!!
Jade:"Yea you called me mom.😊"
Athena:"What then how the hell are you??"
Julie:"In the flesh."
(If you're confused Jade has an Identical twin sister named Julie. She left 2 years ago to go find her mate.)
Jen:"Oh my baby girl alive!!!"
Andy:"Where have you been at?"
Julie:"I been searching for my mate."
Athena:"Then why the fuck was you being mean to me."
Julie:"Oh I was bored and I wanted to see your reaction."
Athena:"Juuuullllliiiieeee that was so mean."
Julie:"I know."
Andy:"So what are you gonna do about the baby?"
Julie:"What baby?"
Andy:"Thena pregnant."
Dr. Smith:"You mean Athena was pregnant, the beaten you received from your ex-mate caused internal bleeding in your stomach which is what caused the miscarriage." "I'm sorry for you lost Athena."
Athena P.O.V.
It's been 2 weeks since I had my miscarriage. I was so angry at Byran for causing this too our unborn child. I knew he loved to torture me but I didn't think he would do something like this.
I've been very depressed lately replaying the events of that day at the Ice Cream Shop and back to the day at the house. I'm sitting in my old bedroom wondering what happened to my lovely caring mate who he's the reason for killing our unborn child and cheated on me with two dirty ass sluts.
Lily:"Hey Thena you okay?"
Thena:"No I'm not okay."
"And how the fuck you got in here?!?!"
Jen:"Athena honey relax sweetheart."
Athena:"No I'm not going to relaxs none of you get it!!!!! I LOST MY FUCKING BABY BECAUSE MY HEARTLESS SELFISHLESS FUCK UP MATE!!!!!"
Jen:"Athena I completely understand where you're coming from."
Athena:"No you don't."
Jen:"Sweetheart listen to me please."
Athena:"No get out right now!!!" "I don't want to hear it!!!!!"
Lily:"Would you shut up and listen to your mother!!!"
I stare at my best friend the  entire time as if she just grow a extra pair of arms. I started having this horrible pain in my chest. I screamed as I crumbled to the floor. Asking myself why did this happened to me.
I heard my mother and best friend calling my name as I blocked out from the worst painfully experience of my life.

Heeeyyy!! Every single one of my amazing readers. I am veeeerrrryyyy sooooooorrry I haven't updated any of my stories. I'm very sick at the moment. It's kinda gets me mad since summer break is right around the corner. I'll publish 2 more chapters when I'm no longer sick. Thanks for reading this book. Please check out my other stories. Let me know how you feel about it. Please follow me and I'lldo the same. Later😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘.

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