Christmas Special!!

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Ok, this is just a Christmas Special! The story will continue, but this is not part of the story, this is like a one shot that's about you and Levi and you guys are older, enjoy!

~3 Persons Pov~
      It was Christmas! And Levi's birthday! (And let's not forget Viktor's birthday too...XD) Y/n decided to do a Christmas party. You were now older, you and the gang graduated from University, and lived on your own! Mostly everyone is dating even you and Levi! except Eren, Marco, and Jean..... unfortunately..Mikasa died in a plane crash a few months ago, she became a model and was going to a photo shoot somewhere, but she didn't make it...she was like a sister to Y/n and Annie, even though in the past her and Annie didn't get along, but we all miss her, and it's hard doing a Christmas without her. Anyways! Y/n decided to do the Christmas party and surprise party for Levi he worked today, but oh well, Y/n invited everyone to come 1 hour before Levi comes home from work. Everyone came and started getting ready.

       ~Y/n Pov~
      I can't believe it! Its Christmas and Levi's birthday! I went to the Christmas tree and I put everyone's present under it, it turned out beautiful how the house was decorated! "Y-Y/n...I uhh..I brought wine.." I looked who said that, and it was Armin! The innocent cinnamon roll we all knew since kindergarten, brings wine!? "O-oh, Armin, I didn't expect you to bring it!" He blushed "I-I just brought from my house!" Everyone was hearing the conversation and laughed I was laughing even Annie "I'm so glad I'm dating you!" She said as she kissed Armin on the cheek, his cheeks got darker. I heard the doorknoob start to open "Everyone! Hide!" I whisper yelled everyone hid, and I started to walk up to the door and opened it, I smiled and kissed tLevi. "Hey, babe! How was work?" I acted casual. "It was horrible, I still can't believe Petra works where I Work, she keeps flirting with me, and she already knows I'm dating you! But I'm glad I'm back because I'm here with you," he kissed you. "So, all I want for Christmas and my birthday present is, you." He smirked and started kissing your neck. "L-Levi, not now.." You said as you blushed. "What? Why not?" He said looking at you. "B-because..," you looked back. "Ok, everyone! Now!" Everyone jumped up and said surprised! Levi looked shocked and embarrassed because they saw him kissing you and getting things in deeper. Mostly everyone nosed bleed. "Ok, let's begin the party!" You yelled as you put on some music, everyone started dancing and drinking wine and beer, 1 hour later passed and everyone was wasted. "Krista, when this is a over let's get married!" Ymir said as she kissed Krista. Levi and Eren were dancing on a stripper pole that came out of nowhere. (They danced like on that one episode of Yuri on Ice! XD) Levi wasn't that wasted not you either, but he still did it. He was half naked even Eren. Marco and Jean were kissing in the corner of the room. "OI, GET A ROOM!" Armin yelled at Marco and Jean, poor Armin, he drinked too much...I looked at both Eren and Levi, yes! Their done now! Levi got off and put on his clothes so did Eren. Levi then came up to me and smirked, he putted on slow music and started dancing with me, "Levi?" I looked at him. "Shh, I got a surprise for you." He said everyone took out their phones and recorded. Then out of nowhere confetti came out. I looked at the gang. "Did you guys knew any of this!?" I said to the gang they nodded their head yes and I just pouted at them then Levi took me outside with the gang following us with their phones. "Y/n..." Levi said my name as he touched my cheeks. "Yes?" I blushed, but I was also confused. "Y/n, look at the sky." I looked at the sky and fireworks came out I looked at them not noticing that Levi took out a little box and went in one knee. The last firework came out and it said "Y/n will you marry me?" My eyes widen, then I looked at him and I saw him with one knee I started crying "Y/n, every time I see remind me of the stars, you are so beautiful, you make me feel Happy,....your the wings to my freedom, (XD SEE WHAT I DID THERE?!) So, Y/n...will you make me the luckiest man on earth to marry me..?" He looked at me while opening the little box, it was beautiful. "L-Levi! Of course!" I kissed him and hugged him he stood up and hugged me back he put the ring on me, everyone was still recording and they starting yelling and crying. We went back inside then opened the presents. Then continued dancing Jean came up to me and put a  mistletoe on his head. I just laughed then Levi saw and came up to me and carried me bridal style "Stay away from my princess, Jean." Levi death glared at him and I blushed. Then Eren stepped in and said. "Go home, Jean, you're drunk." Jean just went to the couch. Then Eren looked at me and said. "Congratulations, Y/n..I'm happy for you and Levi..I know Mikasa would be so Happy for both of you..." I remembered Mikasa and started crying I missed her..Eren hugged me and told me everything will be ok.
"But if Levi ever does anything to my precious "sister" I will brake him" I just laughed Eren was like a big brother to me I and hugged Eren. Time passed and everyone ended up sleeping over. "This is the best Christmas I had in years...Mikasa, David, mom..I miss you guys so much..I hope your watching from above..and....Merry Christmas...' I thought as I drifted to sleep with Levi in my arms.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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