~(•3•)~Chapter 1: Meeting~(•3•)~

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A/N Hope you enjoy the story and I do not owe attack on titan!
You woke up with the sound of your alarm clock going off you groaned and toke out your phone it was 5:30 so you decided to take a shower because school starts in 7:45 after you toke a shower you put on your uniform, brushed your teeth, (A/N picture above) and put some shoes on then you went to the kitchen you tried to keep a fake smile on your face then you saw you're step dad oh how much you hated him for what's he's done then he, spoke up "Good morning dear!" Hey said then mumbled "Don't call me dear you old fart....." luckily he didn't hear you because if you did oh how much he would beat you. You then went over to one of the cabinets and got out your favorite cereal.

[Time skip brought to you by Jean dancing with Marco]

         [Your Pov]
         I was finally done with my cereal I went to the bathroom and fixed my hair I just let it down so I brushed it is then got my phone to check what time was it, it was 7:41 luckily my school was just 3 minutes away so meh I then went to get my attack on titan backpack I frikin love anime you should see my room and all I ever draw is anime! I then went to the door I opened the knob and I could see the sunny morning before I left I heard my step-dad say "Good bye honey!" I didn't even answer him back in just left like that. When you closed the door you saw a boy looking at you he had nice soft raven hair, he's eyes were steal grey, and when he looked at you he seemed to blush a little I blushed a bit too but I then left it aside then I walked up the the boy and said "Hi, you new here?" I said with a fake smile he just clicked his tongue and said "tch, I am." Then you said "If you want too you can walk with me and I can show you around the school?" He was a bit shocked for a second but turned back to his stotic expression "Sure why not." He said "Well what are you waiting for? Let's go!" You said cheerfully he clicked his tongue and started walking you did as well
      [Levi's Pov]

          There something about this girl...I can tell by her fake smiles tch, but I got to say she is beautiful we were walking to school which was my new school I'm going too then I noticed her attack on titan backpack I was for some reason a bit happy that someone knows attack on titan "Do you watch anime?" I asked her she turned around to face me and said "Hell ya I do I'm a otaku!" Well I just "marry me please!" I thought wait I don't even know her name "Oi, what's your name?" I asked her "Not until you asked yours first" She said "Levi, Levi Ackerman." I said then she said "that's a nice name I like your name Levi!" I just blushed a bit and mumbled thank you then she said "my name is Y/n, Y/n L/n!" She said her name sounded beautiful but I didn't say anything we were talking for a bit then we got to school "Hey, Levi," Y/n said "Ya, what is it?" "What class are you in?" She asked "Oh, I got Mr. Nile." "Then we're in the same class!" She smiled I mumbled a 'yes' thankfully she didn't hear.

             [Your Pov]

            Me and Levi were talking about bit more until we got to class everybody was there and they were staring at us, Mr. Nile walked up to us and said "Okay class this is our new student, Levi Ackerman." All the girls stared whispering and some even winking at Levi you felt jealousy taking over me but you didn't know why them Mr. Nile said "Ok Levi you are going to next too-" Mr. Nial was cut off by Levi "Mr. Nail may I sit next to Y/n?" Mr. Nail just nodded you were shock you sat in the back while the window was next to you and you always looked out and nobody sat next to you but you were happy. You and Levi went to sit all the girls glared at you and you know what's going to happen later at recess and lunch. Class began it was boring but I still wrote some notes then some hours past and now it was time for recess and you know what's coming. You were walking around with Levi and then you saw you're best friend's Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, Connie, Hanji, Erwin, Annie, Bert, Reiner, and Marco they always helped you with your problems you haded and they would always come to your house and talk you introduced Levi to the gang they all got along then you felt a tap on your shoulder you turned around and you saw 3 bullies infront of you they only bullied you not anyone else you glared at them and said "What do you want.....Petra?" "Oh hey Y/n I just wanted to talk to you alone." You knew where this is coming I bet she'll just call you names like always that's all she ever does so meh I'm used to it the gang saw they looked worried expect for Levi he was comfused on what was going on everytime when Petra and her friends want to talk to me alone they always follow me I noticed that but I haven't told them yet anyways me, Petra, and her friends were walking in somewhere private that gang was following you secretly even Levi, but you didn't care. Then you said "Alright Petra what you want to talk abo-" You felt a stinging feeling on your right cheek, Petra....she slapped you....the gang was just watching then you heard Petra sat "Listen bi#*h stay away from Levi he's mine all mine, got that?!" You didn't answer you just started at the floor touching your cheek shocked then you felt multiple feet kicking you so hard that you were coughing out blood "Ain't gonna answer me huh?!" You then stood up your bangs covering your bloody face then you said "Listen, Petra I will never stay away from Levi or no one he's my friend and I would do anything to help our friendship even the gang if I where you shut your shitty mouth right now and get out of my way!...tch filthy shit." You then felt a punch then you round house kicked Perta then all of a sudden Levi stepped in and the gang Petra looked at him and blushed she then stared acting innocently and said "H-hi Levi listen Y/n was being so mean to me she said hurtful things to me she even kicked me on the face!" She then stared fake crying on Levi's shoulder and you were crying actual tears Eren, Mikasa, Armin, and Marco were helping you out, Levi then pushed Petra away from him she was shocked "Levi what's wrong....?" She stuttered "Tch, like I'm going to belive you, I saw everything." Levi said then she got mad and tried to slap Levi but, she missed missed because Levi got her hand just in time "Don't touch me with your filthy hands, brat." Levi said and Petra just ran away crying with her friends "Y/n are you okay!?" Armin asked worried everybody did I just nodded. I managed to stand up Eren carried me bridal style he and I blushed Levi looked jealous I wonder why? Eren and the gang carried me to the nurses office she helped me right away and the principal was there and asked me tons of questions I told her everything. I then left the nurses office the gang was waiting for me there I just haded a big smiled on my face then Jean said "Why are you smiling at a time like this look at you you've been beaten up!?" "Heh because it didn't hurt I single thing and I'm glad you guys aren't the ones getting bullied!" My smile got wider they all stared at me in shock and next thing you know they all gave me a hug including Levi "You guys are the bestest friends in the whole entire world...." I said they all hugged me tighter and Armin and Eren started crying I just kept smiling and hugged them back.

Whatcha guys think!? I know it kinda sucks but hey its my first time XD I hope you liked the chapter have a nice day/night/evening/morning/something! XD



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