Chapter 7~ Normal day Part 1

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~Zim's Pov~

The principal sent an email to excuse our absence from our 2nd period class and we went on to our next class

We are now on our way to our 3rd period class, Social Studies. I don't mean to brag, in which I totally do, but Social Studies happened to be my top class. After being banished I took a huge interest on how this planet worked. I used this thing called the Internet to figure more out about this place. I also used a place called a Library  to get more accurate information on the subject. I got sucked in to the history of Earth's past. I learned very quickly that there was an obvious difference between Irk and Earth on how each acted to advance society. Irk decided to make the entire planet an army ruled by two leaders. If someone rebels they are banished or eliminated. If one of the leaders is killed, Irk falls into chaos and a new leader must be elected immediately. For Earth, everyone is separated into certain continents, countries, states, etc.. They fight amongst each other and further the progress of an advanced society. Not to mention they aren't that bright to begin with.

I just ended up fascinated with the subject.

We arrived at our destination. I looked up at the sign with the teacher name on it. Class 201, Mr. Dov.

The classes went on and it was finally lunch. I found my way to the cafeteria and took a seat in a round table in the corner of the room. I don't like to socialize much so this was best for me. I brought my own lunch because I can only eat certain Earth food. Also the food they serve at these cafeterias are basic poison in general. I figured out I could eat bread mostly and I had to pack my own drink that is made up of things that wont poison me. I mostly have to get deliveries from outside of earth for an anti-poison so I can drink stuff for this planet, considering most substances here are made out of that poisonous H2O or water as they call it.

Then someone interrupted my silent lunch by sitting in front of me.

The vile creature that dare disturb me is....


Haha cliffhanger

This is not a completed chapter but it's Christmas and I wanted to update.

so here is everyone's present

Happy holidays and Merry Christmas.

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