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Chapter 2

"What?" I hissed, putting my phone up to my ear as Rizzo and I started our walk through Grant park.

"How are you feeling Agent Martirano?" My boss, Chief Harrison sighed showing no sympathy. 

"I'd be a hell of a lot better if you trained dumbass agents in training like Ford to stay out of my cases! I work alone because when shit goes south, I don't have to worry about collateral damage. Now I have to lay low for a few months until the Divencenzos forget about that whole situation of seeing me in a car with a FEDERAL AGENT!" I growled. 

"Look, Lucas, I know! I messed up big time. Your analyst is to blame for most of it but I never should have given you Ford, of all NATs." He gulped. 

"Well, it's too late now! I get to spend the rest of my 3 month off time listening to my psychotic Italian mother yell at me in a different language that I completely understand but refuse to admit!" I sighed, making chief Harrison chuckle softly. 

"Special Agent Ryan wants me to tell you that he misses you!" His voice seemed lighter then when we first started talking. 

"Tell him he's in charge of my sea monkey's until I get back!" I giggled. 

"Will do! Get better fast Lucas, I need my best agent back here fast!" He gulped and I nodded. 

"Yes sir!" I smiled softly. "Bye!" I mumbled, before hanging up. As I was trying to put my phone back in my pocket, Rizzo tried to take off after a ball, ripping the leash and my phone out of my hand. "RIZZO!" I yelled, chasing after my brother's 10 month old puppy. "RIZ!" I screamed, sprinting after the dog as my shoes came flying off. Out of nowhere, a tall, lean man jumped in front of Rizzo, stopping him dead in his tracks. I started slowing down and watched as the dog melted in the man's hands. 

"Hey there buddy!" The man laughed as Rizzo kissed him endlessly. 

"Thank you!" I gulped, smiling softly. 

"Anytime!" The man smiled. He looked up at me and his smile faded ever so slightly. "What's his name?" He cleared his throat. 

"Rizzo!" I sighed, pulling a strand of lose hair behind my ear. "It's my brother's dog!" I gulped. 

"Rizzo?" He raised an eyebrow, looking up at me and I nodded. 

"After Anthony Rizzo, I think!" I gulped. "I could be wrong!" I laughed slightly and the man shook his head. 

"Sounds right if your brother is from Chicago!" He smiled and I nodded. "Are from Chicago too? I mean, I know it's a small city but, I'm pretty good at pointing out a Chicago native!" He smirked, slowly standing up. 

"No, my family grew up in Chicago but I left as soon as I could! Went straight to DC!" I watched as the man wrapped the leash around his wrist. 

"Why would you want to leave?" He raised an eyebrow as he started walking back towards where I lost my shoes and my phone. 

"I couldn't wait to leave! My mom was hounding me about never being good enough compared to my brother, my brother also told me I wasn't good enough because of some of my decisions and my father, hell, I'd be lucky if I even knew his name! I hate Chicago. I hate the history that lies here. I hate to architect here. I hate the people, the scenery, the smells, and the food! It's just, this town makes me feel so empty on the inside and I hate coming back here!" I gulped, looking down at my black nike socks  as they hit the cold, grey pavement. 

"Why are you back?" The man mumbled and I shook my head. 

"It's not my choice... I was forced to, for work!" I sighed, gesturing to my arm. 

"What happened?" He cleared his throat. 

"A mishap! I have to lay low here in Chicago for a month or so until all settles down back in DC." I sighed, slipping back on my shoes as we reached the point where they were launched off my feet. 

"I have a friend. I feel as though you and my buddy would get along better damn well!" He smirked and I looked up at the man. 

"I don't even know your name and you're trying to set me up with one of your buddies?" I giggled and he nodded. "I'm in!" I smirked and he laughed. 

"Good!" he smiled, his blue eyes looking ahead. "I'm Kris by the way!" He smirked, looking back down at me. "Kris Bryant. 

"Lucas, Lucas Martirano!" I smiled. 

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