Reach out

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Hey guys!!!!!! so this is like a reach out to everyone,all ages, my gay brothers and sisters, you know the whole LGBT thing, well this is for you guys. by the way thank you guys for reading my story's and supporting me. 

 Take care of other Rainbows, even if you don't like the person, treat them like they are family, treat them like they are the most important person in your life, even if they're not, help them with problems they can't deal with themselves, reach out to other rainbows in need of help, support, and friends, you can help any rainbow that needs you, and i know it may seem scary at first, but learn to care for others, and get help if you need it, don't hide in fear, look to others if you need help or support, you can't solve all of your problems by yourself, you may think you can and you know what good for you, but not all people can, so help those in need and ask for help if you need it, someone will always there for you. 

Always be yourself, don't try to be something you're not, YOU are YOU, and no one in the whole world can change who YOU are, and don't let other people get the best of you, only you know who you really are, so take care of yourself and others. always stay the way you think is best, and never ever let go of the people you love and care for.

You don't need to cover up mistakes, learn from them, I know life can get really hard sometimes but when it dose there are people you can go to for help, a mom or dad, aunt, uncle, of maybe even call a friend and ask for help with the troubles  your facing, and when you fall down, get back up again and keep going nothing and no one can stand in your way. there are people that will try to get you down or stand in your way but don't let there words get to your head stand up for yourself and fight back keep standing ground.

Live strong fight for others keep loved ones close and don't let other peoples words get to your  head, stay safe, and love others.

that was it thank you guys for reading and i will see you guys later BYE!!!!!

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