Title it yourself (to be revised shortly)

336 11 3

(to be revised shortly)

This chapter, I'm open for names.  In order to suggest a name, leave a comment.


Smiling, Tuatha slowly walked forward.  The smile died before it reached his eyes though.  The hard calculating dark blue eyes contrasted with the smile he had.  As he passed the first row of students, they dropped to one knee onto the hard floor.  Slowly advancing, the next row did the same, and the next.  Overall, it had a effect to it, the slow advance of kneeling students.  Reaching the instructor, he remained standing.  Instead, he just nodded his head.  Scowling at the denouncement of rank, Tuatha looked fearsome, though it only lasted for an instant before he plastered on his creepy smile again.

"You may all rise," Tuatha uttered in a hushed voice.

Immediately, all the students rose.  Some started groaning about their aching knee joints, but the Luck Weaver put up a hand.  Silence decended onto the group, with nothing that could heard, not even the wind.  Straining their ears to hear the luck weaver's deathly silent voice, they didn't make a single noise.

"You have all fought bravely and everyone did well, though only one person won.  It was a close match between two people, I believe friends.  They both succeeded in disarming students, but both of them failed to beat their instructors."


Jay shifted into his aura state.  Focusing, he expanded  His view expanded in a circle until he reached his limit of about 3 miles.  Seeing no suspicious auras around him, he let himself slip back into his normal mindset.  Opening his eyes, he found Alex peering at him.  Ever the complainer, he started to annoy Jay once again.

"Can't we just call it a day?  It's night already, we need to go to sleep."

"Sure, once we reach that outcrop over there.  We'll camp on that so we can keep a lookout."

"That's too far away.  We have to cross that whole field."

"Too bad.  We'll stop once we get there."

Alex gave up while Cassandra watched, amused.  Stumbling through the undergrowth in the dark, Cassandra lit her hands on fire to cast a glow around them.  The fire lit up her in detail and their surroundings.  Encased in a warm glow, their pace went much faster after that. Halfway through, Alex's armor faded randomly.  Without it, Alex seemed smaller, more fragile, and more tired.  His show of power must have taken a lot out of him.  

"You want some food?"

"Thanks, and what else do you have in your bag?"

"Some money, but that's it."

They reached the edge of the field.  Watching the grass sway in the moonlight with a light breeze, Jay almost forgot his troubles, but then he sighed.  He was tired and he needed sleep.  

It was a little hill, made out of one big solid rock resting in the middle of the grassy field.  It looked so out of place, Alex wondered whether it was put there on purpose.  The highest point for a mile around, it offered protection as well as a place to see enemies before they got to you.


Feel free to comment on this chapter for a title.  Write one that seems to fit this chapter.

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