Robot Camp

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Becky stood on her tip-toes trying to see over the crowd of parents and their kids pouring out of the bus from Robot Camp. Becky felt a little poke at her feet, she looked down and saw a little robot moving back and forth and hitting her feet.

She picked up the tiny machine. Robots were kind of cute if they weren't huge and destroying the city.

"Stan, come back here," said a familiar voice. Becky smiled and looked up. There he stood, taller than he was three years ago. He'd changed so much in the last few years. He'd become smarter of course, but also, if you looked closely, he had become much kinder. 

It was the small things that Becky had noticed most. Like, the most recent example, Tobey had just spent a whole summer as a counselor at this camp. He was just coming back now.

Tobey looked up at her with a confused smile, "Becky? What are you doing here?" He asked. Becky smiled and recited the story she'd been coming up with in the back of her brain while she was waiting for Tobey, "Well, I was walking by and I saw a crowd in the parking lot. And seeing how it was summer and there's no school in the summer, I came to see what the commotion was about. They told me it was kids coming back from Robot Camp, and I knew you were at camp. I decided that I'd stay and maybe say hi." By the end, he was smirking.

Tobey took a step forward when a parent tried to shove passed him. He got extremely close doing this, "You knew I was at camp? How? I didn't tell very many people. In fact, I definitely don't remember ever telling you about it, " he said, looming over Becky. She tensed, she was not comfortable with the space between them and hadn't thought he would question her story.

"Oh...I mean...I heard...Johnson talking about it with T.J." She thought up quickly, trying to step back, but crashing into another parent and turning around and hitting someone else, then falling backwards straight into Tobey's arms. Becky looked up at him, his smile was growing bigger by the second. She stood herself up and turned back towards Tobey.

"Maybe we should find a less crowded place to talk, so we won't keep bumping into people." Becky suggested smiling. Tobey thought for a moment and nodded, leading her away from the crowd to a bench next to the school. 

"I've got to get my stuff from the bus before they drive off with it," Tobey said, disappearing back into the crowd. Becky sat still for a while and started playing with the little robot, Stan, she guessed. She set him on the ground and watched him spin around in circles for a while.

"He does like you, doesn't he?" Becky jumped up and punched as hard as she could. She heard a loud, "Oof," and looked up to see Tobey folded in half, holding his stomach. "Oh, my God! Tobey, I'm so sorry! It's a reflex!" Becky shouted, helping him over to the bench. "It's fine," he grunted, "don't sneak up on you. Good thing to remember." 

Becky sat there silently while Tobey grunted the rest of his pain away. She broke the silence, "So, why did you name him Stan?" There was a pause as he let out his last couple grunts

Tobey looked up and saw what she was referring to and nervously smiled, "Oh! His stands" He gave her a big, guilty smile.

"Oh! That's a um...great name!" Becky said, trying not to burst into laughter at the look on Tobey's face. 

"Yeah, yeah! Great!" Tobey responded, nodding with a really unnatural smile.

Becky burst into a fit of giggles. Tobey lost his smile and crossed his arms, "Ah! Come on! You try coming up with names for over 150 robots! It's not fun! Or easy!" He said angrily.

Becky was bent over laughing. She looked up and saw Tobey's face and calmed herself down, not wanting him to get too angry, "Sorry, it's just...that name is really bad!"

Then, Tobey did something that Becky never would have expected from him, even the newer, calmer version of him. He started to laugh. It started low and quiet, but it slowly grew louder and higher until he was almost giggling.

"I guess it is kind of funny. I mean, I'm surprised I even came up with that!" Tobey laughed. Becky smiled, not at the hilarity of the situation, but at how much Tobey had changed in the past years. He was so much nicer and he had learnt to control his temper. 
And, she thought, he doesn't look too bad either.

Becky started giggling with Tobey, "Where did you get the name Stan then?" "It was the name of the other counselor who was with me when I was building him, " he said, slightly ashamed.

They sat there giggling at each other and talking for about half-an-hour when Tobey checked his watch and stood up, "Gosh darn it! I was supposed to be home like an hour ago!" He picked up all of his stuff and turned toward her, "I'm sorry I have to leave so quickly, bye Becky!"

Becky looked at all the stuff in his arms as he wobbled away and started to laugh quietly. She ran after him and said, "Your hands look full, why don't you let me help you?" Tobey was hesitant at first, but he eventually gave in and they walked to his house with arms full of his luggage.

They stopped at his door and Becky said goodbye and started to leave when Tobey asked, "You know that I know, right?" She tensed, she'd heard this accusation several times from Tobey, "Know what?" She turned to face him.

"Don't be like that?" He started walking towards her, "I'm not stupid. I know you're WordGirl." Becky had a look of complete betrayal on her face, "I can't believe this! I'm not listening to this again!" She turned and started to storm away this time.

Tobey followed her, grabbing her shoulder, and turning her around. Becky jerked away, "Don't touch me! I thought that you changed! I thought you were different than that little boy who smashed buildings with robots when he was mad, but I was wrong! You keep accusing me of being WordGirl! I'm obviously not WordGirl! I've told you this several times! I just don't understand why you won't believe me!" She yelled at him until she saw him smirking.

"What are you smirking for? I just yelled at you!" Becky said, still fuming, but confused. Tobey's smile only grew, "You're so adorable when you deny it." He said, chuckling. Becky was about to blow up at him again when she realized what he had said. "Wait, what? Did you just call me adorable?"

Tobey's smile grew even bigger and then he put on a fake serious face, "Of course not, Becky! Why would I ever call you adorable? I called you deplorable. I you even know the difference?" He finished, raising an eyebrow.

Becky brightened up, "Of course I know the difference! Adorable is an adjective that means to be very attractive or delightful and deplorable is an adjective that is causing or being a subject for grief or regr--" 

She was cut off by Tobey's lips colliding with her's. They melted into each other's embrace. Becky put her arms around Tobey's neck and Tobey grabbed her waist and pulled her closer.

When they pulled apart their foreheads touched together and Tobey said, "I always loved it when you did that," his lips brushed against Becky's when he spoke. She smiled up at him and wanted to kiss him again, and again, and again. She wanted to kiss him forever and never stop.

Tobey pulled away and took a step back, but he tripped over one of his duffel bags and made a loud crash. They heard a shout from inside the house, "Tobey, is that you?" He scrambled to his feet, "Dang!" He turned to Becky, "I gotta go! I'll see" "The park, tomorrow?" Becky finished for him.

Tobey smiled at her and, looking back to see where his mother's silhouette was, kissed her quickly and picked up his stuff, starting towards the door just as his mother opened it. Before she could start yelling at him, Tobey turned and said to Becky, "God! I've missed you! See ya tomorrow!"

"Tobey Tobias McCallister III! Where have you been?"

Author's Note:   

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed that one. It was really fun to write. I might make a sequel to this one! They'll meet in the park and really become a thing. By the time the school year starts for their Freshman year of High School everyone will already know that they're together. I have plans! It'll be great! 

Enjoy all my oneshots!

Oh! I almost forgot! I gotta talk about when I plan to update! And that plan...does not exist! I'm so busy, I don't know when I'll be able to update! But I'll try. It will definitely not be a weekly thing. I'll try to at least have one up every month. If not I'll do my best! :) Happy reading! 

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