big brother?

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I am 14 and currently walking down stairs as i jumped off the last 2 steps which made a loud noise. i saw my older brothers,  Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha.
They looked up to stare in my direction with shock on their faces my oldest brother Itachi spoke first "it sounded like you fell down the stairs!"
He looked very surprised this made me giggle slightly
"Gee! Onee-san! Im not that clumsy!" he only looked away and muttered "yeah sure" my face now had an annoyed look on it when i sat down next to my other brother sasuke he glared down at me for no apparent reason and said "how did you sleep?" i looked up at him with a confused look and said "uhh fine...". My brothers looked at the clock and then at me while saying "it's time you should get going to school" i just nodded and stood up - when i felt a hand grab my wrist Sasuke said " pull your skirt down! It is way too short!"
He gave me a stern look as i did what he said 'wow! What jumped up his ass?' i thought to myself as i walked out the door and walked to school.
~time skip~
When first period was over i walked to my second class which, was my favorite because my  boyfriend sat directly in front of me! When i went to sit down i looked out the window and on the tree i saw the strangest sight Sasuke was sitting on the tree string intently into the classroom, i quickly turned away slightly terrified 😨
My boyfriend turned around and planted a kiss on my lips causing me to turn a deep red he smiled and said "goodmorning!" before he turned around 'eeee!!! He kissed me!' was all i could think about the whole day until i got home that is. When i walked in my front door, both of my brothers were standing in front of me with disappointed and possessive looks in their eyes and plastered on their faces
I stepped back a little "(name-chan) we need to have a little talk" Itachi's voice was inpatient and rough i only nodded as he and Sasuke began talking
"Now (name-chan) as your older brothers it is our duty to protect you from everything!! Especially from those filthy boys that are alway eyeing you!" they both sounded angry i stood there frozen as they continued
"Which is why it has come to our attention that....that you kissed a boy!" i stood there frozen in shock as he practically yelled the last part loud enough for the whole Uchiha clan to hear. My face grew bright red and hot as i stayed silent and tried to slowly slip past my older brothers but to no avail , Sasuke grabbed my wrist for the second time that day! "Hey (name-chan)! Where Do you think your going?" i froze and said "i-i'm s-sorry *hiccup* Onee-san" i was crying it was the first time my brothers had gotten upset with me - it was a different feeling than when father , mother ,or Iruka sensei were upset with me.
My brothers were NEVER angry with me and it made me very, very sad my brothers eyes had softened
As he loosened his grip on my wrist he pulled me into a hug "it's ok......but stay away from that boy!" his voice was stern and gentle at the same time 'does he really expect me to stay away?' i thought as i nodded with uncertainty
~time skip~
I walked down the hall to the dining room and sat down at the table next to Sasuke , my eyelids were heavy and my head hurt,i was sweating .
"(name-chan)?" Sasuke gave me a confused look and said
"Are you ok? You look kinda sick" i slowly looked up at him and gave a very weak smile "su-" *thud* i never finished my answer as my vision went from my brother to black in an instant and i fell forward onto his arm with a loud thud.
Sasuke's P.O.V
She just collpased on my arm
" Itachi! Get over here!!" i yelled across the house to get Itachi's attention when he entered the room he looked confused before saying "is (name-chan) sick?" i stared at him and answered "can you check her temperature?"
He nodded and lifted her face in his hands as he pressed his forehead against hers and said "i think...she has fever" he had a grim look on his face as he picked her up bridal style and walked upstairs to his room and motioned for me to follow which i did he set her gently in his bed 'wow Itachi! So you just assume your gonna sleep in the same bed?' i gave him an annoyed look "hey Sasuke! You can sleep with her tommorow!" he gave a slight chuckle as though he read my mind i nodded "well goodnight then brother" i said as i left his room closing the door behind me.

Itachi's P.O.V
She looks as though she is in pain and her breathing was hitched. When i got in bed next to her and pulled her close to me her breathing steadied and she stopped fidgeting , which helped me fall asleep easily knowing she was comfortable.
The next morning i woke up to my door being opened and my father walking in he gave me a disapproving look as he stared at my body gently intertwined with my little sisters, i was holding her protectivly "son might i ask why you and (name) are in such a position on your bed?" his voice was clear and angry he shook his head again in disapproval i got up from bed making sure to not wake up (name-chan)  i walked out of my room and and followed behind my father "father she had a fever i was just making sure she was ok while she slept!" he turned around to face me and replied "i know she is close to you and Sasuke but maybe you two should tone it down a bit" he turned back around and motioned for me to follow him to his office
When i did he said "when i was out one of our business partners and i were talking he mentioned he had a son around sasukes age" i looked at my father and grimaced as a realization hit me as he continued speaking "we believe an arranged marriage would help our business grow together" he stated this with an accomplished look in his eyes. Stood there in shock
"F-father? Does this mean (name-chan) will get married?" i hissed the last part in anger as my father nodded his head yes and said
"Please inform Sasuke" i nodded angrily and left the room to find Sasuke when i did i looked him straight in the eye and told him what  father had told me. His reaction was identical to mine but he answered in a calm tone "fine...but did father say who this suitor is?" i shook my head no.

(name) P.O.V
When i woke up i was in Itachi's room. 'why am i here?' i questioned myself and left his room when i did i saw my father's office door was open so i walked in and said "welcome home father!"  gave a warm smile but earned a disapproving look from him for some reason
He told me to sit down so i did "(name) i have arranged something for arranged marriage to be exact" my heart fell and my face became an even whiter white "what?" my voice was devoid of emotion "the boy is a nice young man, he is around Sasuke's age." He smiled and said " you will be meeting each other tommorow his name is Naruto Uzamaki." i gasped as i recognized the last name he was a the only son of the owner of the  Uzumaki co.
I didn't have words so i just nodded smiled and left the room. I walked downstairs to the living room to see both of my brothers pacing back and forth muttering inaudible things to each other they didn't seem to nottice me so i
Spoke up "good morning!" their heads flew up in an instant and i was tightly embraced by both of them
"I'm sorry" they said as they pulled away i smiled and said "its fine!" i gave them a reassuring look but i was a mess inside "so did he tell you who it is?" they both asked i nodded yes "Naruto Uzumaki" my voice pierced the tension in the air and Sasuke spoke up " i know him I'm friends with that idiot!" i looked with eyes filled with hope "!Onee-san! C-could you tell me about him?" Sasuke gave me a confused and slightly angry look "you really agree with this?" i shook my head 'no'
"N-no but I'm sure it won't be that bad!" i said rather enthusiastically for the situation. Father walked down the stairs and interrupted the awkward silence by saying "i have work to attend to" and with that he left the house. Itachi
Walked closer to me and ruffled my hair which made made me happy. I had all day to think about the new decision that was made for me.

Itachi's P.O.V
Sasuke and i left the room
When we had left we turned to each other "Why in the hell is she ok with this!??!!?" we shouted at each other
We stood there with angry looks on our faces unsure of an answer finally i sighed and said "Sasuke...father told me we should keep a distance from being so affectionate whith (name-chan) " he gave me a death
Glare and said "well i assume we wont get to spend as much time with her anymore huh?" i shook my head no and said "i also assume that she will spend all of her time with him except for the time she sleeps, bathes, and eats. -
There for we should spend that time with her" Sasuke nodded in agreement and said "so Itachi do you think she'll start growing apart from us?" i shook my head
"Im not sure".

(name) P.O.V
My brothers walked back into the living room and grabbed my hands pulling me out of the house and into the car to have a day of fun with them!

Big Brother's Doubts! (itachi X Little Sister Reader X Sasuke) AUWhere stories live. Discover now