"of course!"

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When my brothers and i got home it was late at night and we were exhausted "hey (name-chan)? Is it ok if you sleep with me in my bed tonight?" i looked at him with confusion and said "of course! but why?" he frowned and said "well i figured Itachi and i would be spending less time with you"
I nodded and followed him to his room and for some reason my heart started to pound as i felt my brother snake his arms around me protectivly 'wha!? Why is my heart beating so fast? Gah! He is my older brother!!' i thought to myself as he burried his face in the crook of my neck . i could feel my face growing hot for some reason but i soon relaxed and fell asleep in the safety of my brothers arms When i woke up the next morning Sasukes arms were still wrapped around me when i tried to get up he tightened his grip around me "(name-chan) d-don't leave me" his voice sounded completely awake "onee-san!" i tried to get out of his grip once again but it didn't help he sat up and gave me an annoyed look "hm fine i guess you can go!" he looked at me as though he didn't mean it but i went anyway.
~time skip~
When i was dressed i walked to my fathers office "(name) we are going to spend the day with Mr. Uzumaki and his son" he stated blankly i was still at a loss for words so i just nodded as he continued talking "meet me outside in 5 minutes". I went outside to wait for father, when he came outside he motioned for me to enter the car which i did, when we started to drive i noticed i hadn't seen either of my brothers all day except for in the early morning "father?"
"Yes (name)?" he had an uninterested look on his face
"Father have you seen Itachi and Sasuke?" he kept his gaze on the road "i sent them out of the house for the day"
I looked disappointed but he continued talking " I've brought it up to your brothers as well but it think you three need to be less affectionate with each other." i turned to him with a confused look "what? We are only showing normal sibling love to each other" father scowled at my response "it seems too affectionate" it was my turn to scowl my face was plastered with an annoyed look by the time we pulled into the driveway of the Uzumaki estate we stepped out of the car we were greeted by Mr. Uzumaki and his son Naruto. Naruto stared at me while a light pink color dusted his cheeks i smiled at him
"I-i'm Naruto!" he shouted in my direction i smiled as my was face also dusted pink "my name is (name) Uchiha!"
He smiled and gave a light chuckle 'wow! I didn't expect him to be so cute!' i thought to myself as we walked into their estate father smiled at me "(name) behave yourself" i nodded "Naruto! Show (name-chan) around the house!" Mr. Uzumaki shouted at his son who seemed to be in la la land naruto quickly nodded and grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him up stairs
"So (name-chan)! What are your interest!?" he said with an excited voice "i uh like to"
I was drawing a blank 'what idiot forgets what their interests are!?' i shouted at myself "archery and ramen!" i shouted with a smile Naruto's eyes lit up and his smile got wider "really!?! i LOVE ramen too!!" i laughed and thouhgt 'this is gonna work out after all!'
~time skip~
After Naruto had finished showing me around he hugged me before father and i left 'wow! He is so nice and funny plus we have many shared interests!' my father smiled and said "so do you like Naruto?" i looked at him with lit up eyes "yes! yes! He is so nice and we have alot of shared interests!" i was excited and happy to see this wouldnt be as bad as i thought it was father smiled on and said "well good i think it would be smart for you two to spend time with each other more often then"
I nodded in agreement "yes i can't wait!". When we arrived at our home i walked into the house still picturing Naruto in my mind i couldn't stop thinking about him "(name-chan)!(name-chan)!"
My thoughts were broken when i realised i was being violently shaken an yelled at by my brothers "w-what!?" i shouted with a hint of annoyance in my voice Itachi looked at me with a concerned look on his face.

Itachi's P.O.V
She looks to be in a daze and her cheeks are pink i hope she doesn't have another fever. "(name-chan) how was it? You're backing out of this right?!?" she looked up at me and answered "n-no" she looked at the floor as her cheeks became a darker red
"I-i like him" she stated i looked at Sasuke but his expression seemed less composed than mine.

Sasukes P.O.V
'i won't believe what im hearing! She likes him!?'
(name-chan) seemed to be what people call 'in love' i was scowling now and staring at her stare at the floor.

(name) P.O.V
'why are they both staring at me like that!?' i thought
To myslef as i stared at the floor like it was the most amazing thing in the world
Maybe i can just slowly step away to my room. I started to slip past Itachi who was currently infront of the stairs my brothers had a look of shock on their faces. I was able to slip paste them or so i thought when i entered my room i changed and slipped into bed 'my own bed!' i thought to myself with relief
And soon fell asleep. I was soon awoken by movement on both sides of me i opened my eyes and turned both ways to see my two brothers had crawled into bed next to me and my eyes met my brothers "shhh,just sleep" both of my brothers said quietly 'wha why are they both in here with me!?' i screamed in my head it was hard to fall back asleep as i was thinking about why they were both asleep next to me but i did eventually fall back asleep when i woke up the next morning my body was intertwined with both of my brothers bodies.

Itachi's P.O.V
I was waking up and noticed (name-chan) was awake as well i smiled at her and pulled her closer to my chest "good morning (name-chan)! Did you sleep well?" she looked up at me "s-sure? But why are both of you in my bed?" i frowned but answered "we just wanted to make sure you were ok"
She nodded in understanding.

(name) P.O.V
I nodded and tried to crawl over my older brother to get off the bed but my foot slipped on the satin sheets as i was sent forward i crashed into my older brother and when i came to realise what happend our lips were touching! My face was now a bright red color 'why am i so clumsy!?' i yelled at myself
But to my surprise my brother didn't push me off just the opposite his hand was now tangled in my hair holding my head down and deepening the involuntary kiss 'th-this is incest!' i thought to myslef but i didn't pull away either
Itachi had started to slip his tongue into my mouth 'omg
What is happening!?' i screamed at myself but still didn't try to stop the situation , Itachi's tongue was searching for my own when he found out he trailed his tongue up and down my own making me moan.

Sasukes P.O.V
I heard (name-chan) moan and woke up to see her on top of itachi and his arm snaked around her waist and is other hand tangled in her hair my eyes widened "hey!" i shouted at them and they broke apart a string of saliva
Connected the two (name-chans) face was bright red
"O-onee-san!" she looked confused, scared, and frightened.i only smiled at her which probably deepend her confusion.

(name) P.O.V
Sasuke just smiled at me and sat up as did i, Itachi sat up as well which placed me in his lap my brothers both smiled at me but soon my lips were against another pair - Sasukes lips were against mine in a split second 'what is going on with them!?!?' i screamed in my head thinking about the events that were taking place with my brothers, Sasuke pulled away and i was tightly embraced by both of my brothers who broke the silence first "we....love you, you know this right?" my oldest brother Itachi spoke with a cautious tone i nodded my head in slight shock "what do you mean by
'love'?" my voice was quiet and soft .Sasuke answered
"Think of it as a 'special' sibling love" his voice was low and his arms tightened around me 'what the hell does that mean!?!?' i thought to myself but was interrupted when my door swung open my father stood in the door way with a very shocked,disapproving look on his face "get up all three of you (name) your spending the whole week with Naruto" i nodded and said "o-ok" my brothers looked at me again then back at my father who seemed to be waiting for them to get up
I got out of Itachi's lap and they left the room after giving me a hug when they left down the hall father walked into my room and said "please listen to me the next time i tell you to do something" i nodded and he continued "pack your things your going to be staying with Naruto for a while but you aren't going to get our of school for this" i sighed and said "oh but why!?" he glared at me which shut me up pretty quikly.

When we arrived at Naruto's house he greeted us at the door and took my hand in his giving me a large smile, i smiled up at him and turned around to see my father driving away.

Big Brother's Doubts! (itachi X Little Sister Reader X Sasuke) AUWhere stories live. Discover now