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When my father left Naruto took my bags and led me upstairs to his room he placed my bags on his dresser and sat down on his bed 'what am i supposed to do now?' i thought to myself while staring at the floor
"Hey (name-chan) what do you want to do?" i looked at him his face was bright pink and he was staring at his hands i smiled and nodded he looked at me confused as to why i was nodding i realised he had asked me a question and my face grew bright pink "i-i uhhh..." he laughed and said "i get it im nervous too" i smiled and he got up and grabbed my hand lacing our fingers together as he pulled me down the hallway and down stairs . we entered the dining room we were greeted by Naruto's mother and father they had smirks on their faces when they saw our hands were laced together , i sat down next to Naruto and stared at my hands in my laps "sooooo! (name-chan)!" Naruto's father said excitedly
"I hope you and Naruto don't
Stay up all night!" my face  was burning and red at his statement i looked up at Naruto who had the same reaction but he was nervously laughing. Naruto's mother chimed in "stop it Minato! You shouldn't say something so straight forward to a young lady!" Naruto's dad threw his hands up in deafet and laughed "alright! Alright!" i smiled warmly at the cute display and thought 'i wonder if we could get along like that' i smiled at the thought but rememberd my brothers words ' a 'special' sibling love' those words replayed in my head over and i over 'what does that mean?' i thought to myself but my train of thought was broken Naruto's dad said
"(name-chan) ,Naruto your mother and i are going on a business trip so i guess you'll be here alone" his dad gave a slight smirk when he said this but Naruto's mother elbowed his arm which made me laugh. They left the house leaving Naruto and i alone "do you wanna watch a movie?"  he gave me a smile and i nodded he took my hand and we went back to his room i sat on his bed and he sat next to me he put on a movie i leaned back against his headboard and he did the same it seems both of our parents had expected us to move quickly. 
When the movie was halfway threw  i started to fall asleep until Naruto turned my way and
Wrapped his arm around my waist "(n-name-chan)" i looked up to face him he placed his fingers on my chin he leaned in and i closed my eyes as his lips met mine gently . his lips were different than my brothers
With my brothers it seemed fleeting and unable happen often but with Naruto it seemed as though it would last forever he slipped his tongue in my mouth our tongues fought for dominance but in the end he won and once again i was comparing this kiss to the one shared with my brothers
He pulled apart leaving me panting for air he lowered his head and his lips made contact with my neck he started to suck and kiss all the way to my collar bone he stopped and looked up to get my permission i noddes and smiled so he continued he gently gripped my shirt and pulled it up over my head, my phone rang which caused both of us to jump up . i picked my phone up and sighed when i answered the phone it was Sasuke and a frantic Itachi in the backround "(name-chan) are you ok!? Did he do anything to you!?" Sasuke spoke in a frantic and concerned tone i answered in a sweet calm tone "im fine nothing has happend I'll see you at school tomorrow" he said "ok" and i hung up . Naruto looked at me and laughed while he scratched the back of his head sheepishly his face was bright red "s-so ummm..." i smiled sheepishly at him.

Sasukes P.O.V
"Itachi it sounded like she was panting right?" i looked at Itachi who was wearing a frightened expression he nodded "she hung up in a hurry too!" Itachi turned to me and said "keep a close eye on (name-chan) and naruto tomorrow at school" i nodded went up to my room to sleep, i fell asleep later intended as i was worried about my sweet little sister getting involved in such impure acts with that idiot.

~time skip~
I walked downstairs
To see naruto sitting on the couch with a bowl of cereal in front of him he turned my way and smiled "Good morning! (name-chan)!" he shouted excitedly i smiled at
Him and walked over to where he was sitting he grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap I blushed a deep red color as he interlocked our lips i placed my hands on his broad shoulders and leaned in closer to deepen the heated kiss when we pulled apart our faces were burning red i smiled at him as i got up and we walked to school he held my hand the whole walk there,when we got to school he kissed my forehead and we parted ways i was walking down the hall to my classroom and suddenly felt a strong hand grab my wrist i turned around to see it was Sasuke who wore a sad expression as he took a closer look at my neck which was covered by my hair he frowned and moved his hand to brush the hair from my neck but i took a step back causing him to make a concerned expression he pulled me closer to him again he started to pull me to he exit of the school "o-onee-san! We can't just ditch school we'll get in trouble!"
I shouted but he kept walking and puling me along with him we reached our house and he finally spoke
"You shouldn't deny your older brother!" i frowned as tears began to spill down my cheeks his expression softened and he pulled me closer as we walked into the house Itachi was inside and wore a concerned expression
"Are you ok?" he asked with
Inpatients laced in his voice
I nodded and he smiled Sasuke let go of me and Itachi soon took his place
"We shouldn't be skiping school!" i shouted at my brothers who just ignored it Itachi looked down at me and then spoke "why is your hair in front of you?" he asked with concern as he brushed my hair away from my neck he and Sasuke's expressions changed from concern to anger tears began to flow freely from my eyes as they pelted me with the same question over and over again "did he hurt you?!?!" they both kept shouting i shook my head furiously no
"I'm sorry!" i shouted through tears their expressions changed once again when they turned to each other and said "maybe we should remind her who she belongs to" they remained calm 'what does that mean?!' i thought to myself. Itachi pulled me over to the stairs and up to his room Sasuke followed behind holding my other hand in his when we reached his room i sat on his bed and stared up at my brothers with confusion.

Big Brother's Doubts! (itachi X Little Sister Reader X Sasuke) AUWhere stories live. Discover now