chapter 6

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Y/n p.o.v

When I saw who opened the door I immediately regret making out and grinding on Jamal.

"How could you do this to me y/n?"

"Listen Hakeem let me explain it was a mistake just listen"

"A mistake my ass!"

"It was because at first we were just dancing having a little competition and things got a little heated and it turned into something more Hakeem you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you on purpose." By this time I was trying to fight back tears cause I was scared of what I was thinking he was going to say next.

"Listen to this WE ARE OVER I can't believe I was trying to get you to come back to me, hell I guess Tiana was right about you being sneaky and just a damn bitch and only wanting to be with me just for the money and fame and doing anything and saying anything to separate me and Tiana."

"Okay Hakeem I get it your hurt right now but your not going to talk to me like I'm some piece of trash don't you think I was hurt too when you cheated on me and I still forgave you and I was still by your side with the baby situation with Tiana and don't act like I don't know about the girl at the gas station yeah I know she dm me the picture. So yeah I know I did wrong but you've done a hell or a lot more hurting than me!"

By the time I was done yelling I was crying and didn't notice it till I got done yelling cause I was so mad.

"Whatever man I'm gone and y/n lose my number asap."

"Hakeem don't walk away from me we both have done wrong but we can work this out and fix this between us."

It was to late he slammed the door and within minutes I heard his car start up and speed away.

Jamal p.o.v

I kind of felt bad when Hakeem was talking bad to y/n but I didn't want to bud in on their situation and make it worse than it already was.

"Hey look I'm sorry y/n I shouldn't have kissed you were my brothers girlfriend and I got jealous and showed my ignorance by stooping to a really petty level."

"No it's alright I understand things got heated really quickly and I should've stopped the kiss knowing we just made up today not even 6 hours ago but I have to go back to my hotel and shower and try to sleep so I'll talk to you later Jamal."

"Alright be safe y/n."

After i walked out and got in my car I checked my phone cause I never bring it in the gym with me and I have like 50 missed calls from Cookie and Lucious. I  called Cookie back and she answered on the second ring.

Y/n: hello

C: how could you do Hakeem that way actually I don't want to know just come by the house and get your things

Y/n: what I have no where else to go and y'all are the only people I have down here

C: well you should've thought about that before you got caught making out with Jamal now end of conversation bye.

All I could do was cry I just broke down and started screaming and cussing about the situation. I had to find me another place to stay and a job.

By the time I pulled up to their house I was hurt and pissed and my eyes were bloodshot and my body and mind weak.

I walked into the house and saw everybody at the table eating and they all we're staring at me I briefly looked at them  and kept walking but before I made it to the steps Cookie rushed over to me.

"Y/n you okay?"

"Oh like you care I just came to get my stuff and go like you said so you all don't have to worry about me anymore."

And I just kept walking till I got to my room and packed all my things and went downstairs to load them in my car.

When I was done packing all my stuff in my car I walked back inside my eyes still bloodshot.

"Here I don't need this anymore and have a nice fucked up life ." I placed the key on the table and walked out and promised myself I wouldn't be desperate and come crawling back.

Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while its just the holidays always drag the energy out of me but I'm back and better.      
                                         - Gracie 💜

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