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Squinting, Indya looked around to reveal her surroundings. She blinked a few times before attempting to remove herself from the sofa. Carti's heavy arm stopped her and she remembered falling asleep on the couch with him the night before. She looked up to see his plump lips and bold birthmark on his cheek, right above her shoulder.

His dark skin looked velvety smooth and he smelled like Calvin Klein cologne and Pumpkin spice.

She grabbed ahold his arm and tried to remove it to behind her but he groaned and slightly tightened his grip, turning his body towards hers more. Oh god. She mentally face palmed herself.

Gently, she successfully attempted again, making Carti slump more into the sofa. Indya giggled and helped him lay comfortably along the sofa, covering him up with the thin sheet from the sofa arm.

She turned on the TV and went to her room to get ready for a shower.

Carti awoke to Indya intently watching Maury, across from him, with two French braids in her hair. She glanced over at him when he began to sit up. "Good morning sunshine." She smiled with her hands in her lap.

"Good morning." His raspy voice replied back to her. "I made coffee." She motioned toward the kitchen. "I don't drink coffee but thank you." He read the time on his phone. "Imma go now, thank you for letting me stay over, I appreciate it."

"You're really welcome Jordan." She stood up to guide him out.

"Wait, how imma text you and stuff? I want your number." He demanded. Indya recited numbers and Carti typed in his phone.

"Imma text you or call you later." He said looking down at her and outreaching his arms for a hug. Indya never realized how big of a man he was until his arms were engulfing her petite body as they hugged.

"Okay be safe." She mumbled into his hoodie.

"Aight." And with that she closed the door behind him.

Her glass heels clicked and clacked on the stone floors as she made her way down the hallways. She flipped her curly hair over her shoulder and applied more red lipgloss to her lips.

She bent down to the flower pot to dig her sharp, long red nails in the dirt and pull out the spare key. She unlocked the door silently and flew it open.

"Mufaja'a" she smiled slyly.

"Rubi? The fuck you doing here. And what the fuck did you say, I told you not to speak a different language around me." Carti sat up from laying on the sofa.

"I'm sorry daddy." She replied seductively, licking over her teeth.

She closed and locked the door behind her, walking over to him. She pulled down the thin bomber jacket that covered her skimpy outfit.

Carti stood up, coming over to Rubi. Rubi turned around and began walking up the glass spiral stairs. Carti followed, observing her thin waist and round ass. He firmly grabbed her hips, pulling her into him and making her stumble down the stairs.

"Carti, wait until we get upstairs." She smiled, and pulled away to walk up the stairs again.

Once they made it up the stairs, he pushed her onto the bed, and grabbed her hair, tugging her head back.

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