Ch. 1 Mayhem at The Auction

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Tala pov 502 to 503

Human corpses laid everywhere, they had been massacred by  their own race for what the foolish humans had contained in their bodies. As the bodies of both citizens and their killers were being devoured by the hungry lords who eagerly ate the Silver rich bodies.

Examining the damage done to the city she felt sad for the humans, they had not made it in time. Even through the humans asked for it, handling a mixed mineral that contained Silver in it. 

All for wealth and now they died painfully but humans should never handle Silver.

The memory faded away from her to reveal another human being sold. Humans were typically stupid as they were a short lived race, she had been taught and the outside world was  proving it. 

Why had that memory popped up ? It had been years  so why was  that memory back ? Blinking she looked around under the safety of her fur rimmed hood. Even to  the human eye she looked like a teenage human girl but it was better to be safe.

That man, he seemed familiar, mocha colored skin, dark grey eyes and a spotted furry hat, had she seen or met him somewhere ? He seemed familiar to her.

That man, he seemed familiar, mocha colored skin, dark grey eyes and a spotted furry hat, had she seen or met him somewhere ? He seemed familiar to her

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She looked away as the man seemed to sense her stare. She did not just finish her work/duty on gathering all that Silver just to stare at a pirate. Ray had to be here and there was no telling when she'd see him again, after all humans did not live long.

Looking back to the stage she saw a silhouette of a mermaid. How could a mermaid be caught ? In the water they were too fast to be caught. Closing her eyes she looked away and did not listen as a snot nosed World Noble yelled a unbelievable amount of money.

World Nobles called themselves Gods but they were mere diseased human flesh. Ray had told her of the recent generation since Elderlings did not leave.

"Camie !" A Flying Fish slammed in and one of the riders got up and charged toward the terrified mermaid saying he was going to save her. Idiot, she's wearing a slave collar, She thought as a Fishman blew his cover and the humans started screaming, saying he was diseased and disgusting.

This is one of the reasons Elderlings did not really interact with humans.

The Octopus Fishman was shot by the snot nosed Noble who bought the mermaid. "Free ! Free ! Free Octopus !" Only the Fishman's friend seemed really stupid as he walked straight toward the Noble, glaring at him.

She watched as the fat human tried to shoot the straw hatted boy only to be punched. In a instant she saw at least a tooth fly out as the World Noble crumpled.

From the look of it the human lost more than one tooth. The air tensed and the smell of terror mingled with despair. "Sorry guys...Now that I punched him, A Navy Admiral... Will be bringing Battleships back here," The boy or rather teenager said.

His crew seemed over it with a nonchalant attitude. What's done is done.

The complete opposite was for the two other Nobles. As the father began to shoot in his rage the Straw hat crew's member, a well dressed blonde man kicked the gun away. "I'm going to gut and stuff the women... And starve the men while using them as slaves," The Noble threatened only to have someone fall on top of him.

"Father !" The last Noble, a female screamed. "Sorry dude," The curly haired man said after he noticed the Noble.

This just gets more interesting. All hell broke loose, people started running to the exit. More of a stampede. Once it was clear she would not be trampled she relaxed in her seat only to notice the last Noble was intending to harm the mermaid in the giant fish bowl.

"Now die, fish !" She felt a familiar Haki again and the last Noble crumpled on the stage. "Saint Shalria !"

Two giant hands tore into the wall. "Look, giant. There's a huge commotion in the hall. The Auction is over, and I stole the money I wanted too. Time to head back to the casino."

"You're an evil old man. You came here just to steal money ?" The giant asked. Chugging down on some booze the evil old man chuckled," I had intended from the one who would buy me. But think about it...who would ever buy a slave...who's an old fart like me !"

That's Ray alight.

Stretching she felt another strong wave of Haki except more people fell unconscious. "I've wanted to meet you...Monkey D Luffy."

"He's a D ?" She asked.

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