Chapter 3

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*Your P.O.V*

"Cry, go to bed. Your tired" I said as he started to doze off.

"Ok..." He said curling up between Minx and Ken.

I sat up and watched out the window. I watched in awe as Dawn began lighting up the sky. I started thinking about how my parents are probably looking for me and how my stupid little brother was probably searching my room for something he could use against me.

*vibrate* *vibrate* 

"What is that?" I ask myself. I searched the shed. Carefully stepping over everyone. I traced the noise to my backpack. I reached to the bottom, I pulled out a.... cracked cell phone. It had just gotten a text. I opened the text.

'Hello _______, I see you FINALLY found the cellphone.So, you only have one more note to get. Well good luck cause I don't think it's gonna be easy to get to. Especially if I'm there'


Um... since when can Slendy text, or see to be able to text. 

"I don't want to know" I said as a shiver went down my spine.

I heard someone in the shed moan. I look around. It was Pewdie.

"No! Don't please!" He screamed. He is screaming in his sleep.

I moved beside him and saw that he was crying too. He must be having a really bad dream. I brushed the hair in front of his face back and started slowly stroking his forehead like my mother used to do when I had a bad dream or just couldn't sleep. This seemed to calm him down as he stopped crying and stirring. His eyes fluttered open.

"_______?" He asked.

"Mmhm" I replied. 

"Thanks" He said smiling.

"For what" I asked. I didn't really do anything.

"For sort of helping me get through that dream" He said.

"No problem" I said as I yawned.

"Hey, do you want me to take watch?" He offered.

"Ok" I said laying where he had been before. The floor was still warm from him. I finally let sleep take over.


I woke up between Pewdie and Cry, they were crying.

"Guys what's wrong?" I asked. Neither of them responded. Minx walked over.

"Hey guys we have to go" She said.

"No... I c-can't leave her here" Cry said between sobs.

"Come on guys" Ken said trying to get the two boys away from a large rock.

"NO!" Pewdie yelled. I walked around a bit. Nothing really changed from whe I fell asleep.

I walked back over to them. Cry was carving something into the large rock with a pocket knife. I watched him. When he finished carving I looked at what he wrote. Sadness and realization filled my thoughts.

'________ (YOB)- 2013'

I was dead. Since when. What happened. Tears filled my eyes. I know this is a dream But I still didn't think Cry and Pewdie would care that much. Tears started streaming my cheeks.

*End of dream*

"_______?" I heard faintly. It sounded like Pewdie.

"Pewdie" I mumbled.

"________?" He said again.

My eyes fluttered open. Pewdie was oddly close to my face.

"Are you ok? You were crying and mumbling in your sleep" He said.

"Sorry for worrying you, it was just a bad dream" I said wiping the tears off my cheeks.

I looked around and saw everybody was staring at me. I blushed.

"Do you want to talk about the dream?" Minx asked.

I explained the dream to them. They seemed to hang on every word I said.

"Wow that sounds like it sucked" Russ said when I finished.

"Yeah" Cry and Ken said at the same time.

*vibrate* *vibrate*

I grabbed the phone from underneath my arm.

Another text.


I can't wait for you to get here.


I showed everyone the text and they all had the same questions i did. How the hell does he see to text?? 

"Well we should go" I said.

"ARE YOU CRAZY" Russ yelled.

"No, But if we don't he's gonna wait there and we won't get out of here" I explained.

"She's got a point" Cry said.

After that we decided that Cry would run to get the note and the rest of us would distract Slendy. We started walking towards the water tower. 

*skipping the walk because my fingers are getting tired from typing XD*

I ran right towards the water tower, and as if on cue Slendy appeared in front of us. I ran away from him like he was a phycho killer. Oh wait, he is. (<--- IDEK where that joke was going)

I watched as Cry snuck behind Slendy and grabbed the note. Now to just get rid of him. I ran through the bathroom and back towards the group. I'm so close. I grabbed the note and shoved it in Slendy's face.

"BE GONE SPAWN OF SATAN!!!" I screamed at him and he quickly disappeared.

"Ok now run to where we came in" Cry yelled. 

I ran towards where I remember waking up a few days ago. When we got to where we all woke up, a hole opened up in the ground.

"Do we jump?" I asked.

"I don't know , But..." Pewdie started.

"YOLO!" Pewdie, Adam, and Toby yelled and jumped in together.

"WOOOO!" Ken yelled and jumped.

"So-" I was cut off by Cry grabbing my wrist and jumping. 

*Skipping to when they all wake up*

"Ughh..." I moaned as I woke up, this was not my bedroom. But, I feel like I know this place. It's a school. A japanese school.

"Where am I?" I asked myself.

"I don't know" Pewdie said startling me.

Hey guys, I'm back! Thank you for all the reads and comments! AND 6 VOTES! I know that might not be alot for you guys but holy crap thats amazing for me!

BTW, (YOB) means 'Year of birth'

Can you guess where they are? Comment what you think.

Clue: It's a pixelated horror game.

Don't Let Me Go (Pewdie x Reader x Cry) *In-Game reality*Where stories live. Discover now