Chapter 2

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You woke with a start, a loud clap of thunder waking you up. Instantly your new kid filled your head. Glen. You were worried as hell.

Quickly, you rushed over to his room, he was in his bed shaking. There was a wet spot on his bed, too. Awe.. Poor guy. He must have peed himself when he heard the thunder.

"Mommy! I'm sorry I'm sorry...Please don't yell at me, please don't hit me." He started to cry again, wiping away his many tears with his hands.

"Oh no... Glen, hun, it's okay. Momma does it too sometimes. It's normal." You pet his head as another loud burst of thunder shakes the house. He hunches up and holds his blanket to himself.

"Here, let's get you out of those clothes and you can come sit with Mom for a bit, does that sound okay?" He nods, his eyes still a bit red from crying.

You take his pants off, and grab the smallest pair of pants you can find, which belong to your 6 month old nephew. They should work. They were baby blue with little red and green race cars on them.

"Okay Glen, these look a little silly but I think they're adorably cute." You slide them onto him, he beams at them.

"Oka-san! They're perfect!" He runs up to you and hugs you, another clap of thunder sounds, and he grips you tighter. You pick him up and start off towards your room.

"Here's the plan, I'll bunch up a ton of blankets and we can snuggle and watch TV. How does that sound?"

"That sounds like a lot of fun, Mom!"

You smile at him as you gather all of the spare blankets from your closet. You bundle you and him into them and turn on the T.V., sitting out the storm.



"Could...Could I sleep in here every night? I-Its makes me feel safer." He trembles, he must be shy.

"Yes! Of course. I'd be happy for you to sleep in here, love bug." You boop his nose and he smiles at you before lightly biting it. It doesn't hurt at all. Man this kid, I don't know if my heart can take it.

You both continue to laugh and have fun throughout the night, snacking on popcorn and chips. His favorite kind of popcorn so far is caramel corn, he must like sweets.


You wake up with the TV at a low volume, it was still on. You were slouched over, you'd fallen asleep sitting up. Glen's head rested on your lap and he had blankets bundled around him, probably too many for the lil guy but maybe he liked it.

You smiled at his sweet face, he was so cute when he was at ease, his nervousness gone for a little bit.

It was raining outside, the aftermath of the thunderstorm from last night, the soft pitter patter of the rain was really soothing to you, so you decided to sit there and listen.

You felt movement in your lap a few minutes later, Glen was stretching and he clutched your blanket as he did so. He yawned, his eyes tearing up as he did so, and looked up at you. He rubbed them quickly to get rid of the little irratation.

"Mom?" His British accent was so pure, he scooted a little closer to you as he sat up. He put his small hand onto yours.

"Hi sweetie," you pause for a second before continuing. "How'd you sleep last night? I know the thunderstorm scared you a bit."

"I slept wonderfully Oka-san!" He flashed a smile at you, his adorably cute PJs weren't helping the situation. "Thank you for letting me sleep in here."

"Awe, no problem Glen. You can always sleep in here if you want to," He smiled at you again before making a sad face, blushing a bit. "I-I'm sorry for uhm...wetting the bed last night."

You pick him up and bring him closer to you, holding him against your chest. "Shh, bug, it's okay. Don't worry, thunderstorms are scary and I completely understand." He snuggles into you for comfort and clutches your arm.

You honestly didn't want to move, so you let him sit there as you two watched a little more TV, man, you kind of hoped more thunderstorms would happen.

(Guys I am so sorry this is so late. I honestly worked on this because I was bored at my mom's house. I know this story doesn't have lot of readers but I really love making it. So regardless of reader count I hope to continue it. :) Thanks for reading!)

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