[Target Found]

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      Judar was on the search for the new dungeon capturer, eager to slay [Y/N]. He floated above the town he came across, desert sands surrounding it with patches of dry grass fading into beige. The wind blew softly like a gentle stream flowing down a hill.
     When he was in the air, he sensed magic among the crowd of people. Judal descended onto the ground, slowly approaching the crowd of people. His rukh black as the darkest of night, outlining with a bright purple. The crowd created a giant circle, for Judal to step in. He stepped forward, following you.

"Hello." [Y/N] replied calmly, not afraid of the mysterious person in front of him/her.

Judar glared at you. "Wow... You don't know me, do you?" He blinked. Showing his purple eye shadow faded in from the sides.

"No, should I?" [Y/N] tilted his/her head in confusion.

"Yes." Judar responded. "I mean,  nearly the whole world knows us! Al-Thamen is huge around these parts!"

You just stared at him blankly.

"Wow. You really must be an idiot then." He raised his arms as if saying 'I dont know'.

"No I'm not, cut me some slack I just moved in recently!" [Y/N] shouted.

Judar blinked, smirking down at you. "Well then, what's your name?" His red eyes shined.

[Y/N] Looked at the sun. According to the sun setting to the horizon, he/she doesn't have much time left. "Look." [Y/N] said impatiently. "I have to be somewhere by dark, It was nice meeting you. Jerk." You walked off from the annoying villain, heading towards your home.

"Too bad." He said smoothly. "Tell me now!" He shouted, getting irritated.

"Sorry, I don't have much time." You waved your arms at him from behind.

Judar growled. "Ah! You're no fun!" He yelled, throwing up his arms as he followed you.

"Get out of my way, stop following me!" [Y/N] snapped, walking faster. Out of irritation, you halted to a stop and turned around. You braced yourself to punch his loud-mouth out of your face. "Why are you here anyway?"

He quickly ran up in front of you. "Because! You have a mysterious power!" He boomed. "Now, answer my question." Judar crouched to your level, staring at you intensely.

"Yeah? So what?" You replied, with a tone of attitude. Crossing your arms. The wind blew and a larger crowd began to gather around the two magicians.

"Oh. Fiesty, huh?" He floated a bit above the ground, crossing his arms as well as a smirk spreaded across his face. Judar then sighed. "Well then, let's have some fun!" He shouted, his expression turned into a wide evil smile. "I'm sure you won't have a chance against me!" He yelled challengely.

"I said, I don't have time for this!" [Y/N] voice rose.
Almost immediately, flames sparked around [Him/Her] in anger.

Judar stared at you in amusement. His eyes sparkled as the flames danced and spiraled around giving off heat and vivid beautiful colors like the sun.

"Well? I'm waiting! Hit me!" [Y/N] screamed.

Judar thrusted his wand into the sky, blue sparks flickering and charging into a massive lightning sphere. The lightning would strike you, the floor crumbling into pieces with dust surrounding it.

You stared at in awe, unable to move from the bright lightning sphere, crackling towards you.

He'd disappear before the cloud of dust disintegrated into the air.

Judar: A Fight Before The EndWhere stories live. Discover now