Chapter 1

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Juvia P.O.V

I was walking down the street towards Gray-Sama's House. He had a cold lately and I wanted to make sure he was alright. (I know he can't really get a cold because he's an ice wizard but just go with it.) I was walking up the pathway when I heard the first sound, it was a groan, 'hmm sounded like Gray hopefully he's okay.' I thought as I was getting my key out. 

I walked in and closed the door silently, and made my way deeper inside the house, where I heard more sounds, they were moans and sort of a thumping sound. I walked upstairs quietly when the moans got louder and then I heard "Oh, Gray!" I was right outside the door. I was horrified to what I was hearing. "Lucy....You're so...Tight!" I heard him groan. "Lucy-san?" I muttered under my breath. I've heard enough, I then twisted the door to see Gray and Lucy. I stood there in shock. "H-how could you do this to Juvia?" I said a little quietly. When they finally decided to notice me they exclaimed: "Oh Shit!"

"J-juvia!" I heard Gray say. "Y-you BASTERED!!" I yelled as I stomped out of the room. "Juvia lets talk about this!" I heard him yell as he came down the stairs in search of me. "NO LEAVE JUVIA ALONE!" I screamed as I stomped away, heading for the forest. 

It started to rain, hard I knew it was me because it was only around me. Everyone gave weird looks while I stomped through the city, while I could faintly hear Gray calling out for me. It then got louder and I realized that he was right behind me. "JUVIA!" I whipped around "WHAT?!" he looked taken back, but recovered quickly."LET ME EXPLAIN!" "JUVIA DOESNT WANT TO HEAR IT!" I glared at him not caring about anything or anyone. "PLEASE JUST LET-" "LET YOU EXPLAIN WHY YOU WERE FUCKING ANOTHER GIRL!!" he looked down. "AND OUT OF ALL PEOPLE, YOU WERE FUCKING LUCY!!" 

He had no words, so before he could say anything I walked away pissed flipping him off. "AND PUT SOME FUCKING CLOTHES ON NO ONE WANTS TO SEE THOSE MARKS ON YOUR BACK!" I said then turned the corner. 

I stomped to my favorite place to be. The Meri Forrest.

Once I reached the forest, I walked out into a grassy field and sat down. I began to cry. "H-how could you do this to Juvia, Gray-sama?" I had my knees tucked into my chest and my head down when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see "Laxus-sama?"

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