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Not only did the make our world a beautiful place but...

They all meant something.

Take the colours green and red for example.

To some, they're just colours.

To many people, they meant apples.

To many, they mean Christmas.

To a few million people, they are the colours of two houses. Houses of Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Griffindor and Slytherin.

The colours red and green, represent Griffindor and Slytherin.

To some, seeing the green filled them with fear and hatred.

To some, seeing the red filled them with relief and calmness.

To others, seeing the green meant a load of hexes.

To others, the red meant the Weasly twins had done something silly.

But to a certain three four, completely different emotions filled them when they saw these colours.

To one, seeing the green meant 'Malfoy again? Well, if it makes him happy.'

To other one, seeing the green meant 'At least hes happy.'

To one of them, it meant 'Oh no, I'm in trouble.'

To the last, it meant 'Finally, I found him.'

These four, well, they were all well known.

Ron Weasly. One of the many Weasly kids and former Malfoy hater.

Hermione Granger. Smartest person in Griffindor and supporter of Harry.

Harry Potter. The boy who lived and Draco Malfoy's boyfriend.

Draco Malfoy. The cunning, smirking Slytherin Prince and Harry Potter's boyfriend.

Shall I explain?


Well, to make a long story short, Draco and Harry formed a truce and became friends. But from friends they developed feelings. Harry then worked up the courage and confessed, and was ecstatic when Draco revealed he also had feelings for Harry. That was two months ago. Now, we're here. In the halls of Hogwarts, where the three six year Griffindor's stood, while the six year Slytherin was strutting towards them.

Or, more rather, him.

Draco sneakily put a had around Harry's waist, pulling him close. Harry squeaked in surprise at the sudden movement.

"Where have you been, Potter?" Draco had a slightly angry and demanding tone in his voice, which frightened Harry.

"N-no where." Was the meekly response. Though it was a lie. Harry been trying to avoid Draco for the past two days, because it was, in fact Draco's birthday in a weeks time and Harry wanted to make sure it was perfect. So he was asking anyone who knew Draco well, which was mostly Slytherin boys. Draco had noticed Harry pulling Blaise away when they were talking when Draco came into line of sight.

"Then why have you been avoiding me?" Draco growled deeply in Harry's ear, though it sounded quite seductive to Harry. He was frightened, because Draco had a horrible jealousy problem, and seeing Harry pull Blaise away when Draco came around made Draco very jealous.

"I haven't..." Harry tried not to sound frightened, though his voice was very small.

"Don't think I didn't see you pull Blaise away when you saw me, Potter! Have you been off snogging him?" Draco snapped, making Harry flinch. Harry now saw why Draco was so angry. He thought Harry was cheating on him.

"N-no! I haven't, I swear! I was talking to him about s-something..." Harry now had the thought that Darco was going to break up with him because of this.

"Until you can prove it, I don't want to be around you. " Draco said, walking away.

Almost instantly, Harry broke into sobs, his heart crumbling. He collapsed to his knees, head in his hands. Luckily for him, it was the easter holidays, and most people were home or in their common rooms. These four plus a few Ravenclaws who were probably in the library, were the only ones out.

Hermione was instantly next to Harry, trying to calm him down, while Ron yelled at Draco.

"OY MALFOY, GET BACK HERE NOW!! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE TO HARRY!! BROKEN HIS HEART!!" Ron was fuming, trying oh so hard to not pull out his wand and hex Draco.

"Maybe he shouldn't have gone off and snogged my best mate." Was the simple reply.

"I did-n't! Dra-co I swea-r!! I l-ove you!!" Harry was sobbing so hard his words were all broken up.

Draco was a Malfoy. And Malfoy's don't show emotion.

Except for this Malfoy.

Harry's sobs broke his heart. He really wanted to wait till later, when they were alone but...

Harry came first. (i hate y'all the comments r so DIRTY)

Draco turned and ran back to Harry, who was trying to calm his sobs, while Hermione was whispering 'Everything's going to be okay, Harry.' Which she was right about, as usual. Draco fell to his knees and hugged Harry, tightly. Hermione immediately backed away, and motion for Ron to follow her back to the Griffindor common rooms. Ron hesitated, before following.

Draco checked to see that they were gone and lifted up Harry, who was very light, and carried him to Draco's room.

Yes, Draco has his own room, because his father, despite Draco telling him no, gave Dumbledore a five year supply of lemon sherberts for Draco to have his own room. Dumbledore immediately said yes and had Draco get moved into one of the smaller towers.

Draco walked up to the painting door and stopped for moment.

"Don't have time to chat, Medusa, we'll talk later....oh, yes, Boomslang!" Draco entered after a disappointed sigh came from Medusa, his painting, who seemed a bit sad that Draco didn't have time to talk.

Draco set Harry on the couch and sat next to him.

"Harry?" Draco turned Harry to him, to see Harry was asleep. Draco smiled.

He's absolutely adorable when hes asleep. He thought.

Once again picking up Harry, he made his way into the bedroom and set Harry in his bed. He went to go out to make tea when something grabbed his wrist. He turned to see Harry, still asleep, but holding his wrist. Draco didn't move for moment.

Harry tugged it slightly and Draco sighed, getting into his bed next to Harry. Harry immediately buried himself into Draco's chest.

Draco could hear the soft snoring and couldn't help but chuckling softly. He kissed Harry's forehead and he himself fell asleep, holding Harry tight.

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