9. Intense

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Athan’s face is so close to mine. I heard him say that he don’t have the power to choose – that made my heart melt but do I really want to drag Athan in my life that is full of secrets and lies? My mind is twisted right now. My brain wants to run away but my body won’t cooperate. I hate it.

This was the first time Bianca failed on her plan. Why did I ever listen to her in the first place? If I only know that this guy is unstoppable I wouldn’t go back here and be in this situation.

I want to move far from him but when he touched my face I felt a very unfamiliar feeling. I was like being touched by a man for the first time. He was moving his face more closely to mine, his eyes are closed, I was about to close mines too but a thought hit me, he’s going to kiss me.

I panicked so I immediately pushed him away.

“What are you doing?” I almost shouted, hoping I didn’t blush.

“Ah, I.. I’m sorry” he said

I don’t know what I am feeling, we almost kissed, I know it’s not like the first kiss I’m going to get but I was hesitant. The feeling I felt while we we’re very close to each other physically, scared me. I never felt that way to a man before. Is this what they feel when you fall in love? NO! It can’t be. I just knew him few days ago. I can’t fall in love with him this fast. I shouldn’t act easy to get even if I am.

“Tiara, this may be old fashioned but please let me..”

“Let you what?” I interrupted him from continuing what he want to say

“ahh, court you. If you don’t mind” Athan said

I don’t know how to respond. No one’s ever courted me in since high school. I guess he’s really serious when he told me he likes me. I saw proofs of it. He took random photos of me, who’d do that? I can’t think straight if  I’m  with him, so I need to escape this situation.

“It’s getting late, I better get going.” I said, ignoring Athan’s question.

He offered me a ride home but I declined. I don’t want to prolong the awkward situation between us. Instead of going home I went straight at Bianca’s place, told her everything that happened and that her plan to make Athan turned-off is a total fail.

“Reaaaaaaallllllly?” Bianca said

“He must really like you T! Oh my gooooossssssh!” she said in a slightly shouting voice.

“I don’t know what to do B, should I let him?” I asked

“Well, do you think you’ll like him?” Bianca said

I don’t think I’ll like him – I know I will. He is a gentleman even if he acts like a jerk at school, I know he’s being a jerk only because that’s his identifier and he wants to keep those impressions about him, just like how I tried to keep the nerdy me.

“You like him!” Bianca accused

“No I don’t.”  I said

“Not yet” she teased

“C’mon T, give the guy a chance. Besides, when was the last time you dated? hmm, let me recall, NEVER. Those guys you slept with, doesn’t count.”

“I really don’t know.” I said following a deep sigh.

Bianca lets me stay for the night in her room since it’s already late. We we’re about to sleep when I suddenly hear a beep. It was my phone. I received a message coming from Ath, I was about to open it but Bianca took my phone away from me.

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